….The people of Zambia demand the immediate restoration of DEMOCRACY, JUSTICE, RULE OF LAW and respect for HUMAN RIGHTS….
What will be your Legacy when you leave public office? How shall you be remembered by the people of Zambia? Does posterity matter?
Proverbs 11:14 ;
“Where there is NO counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counselors, there is safety”.
I call upon you to deep reflection as I bring out issues of major concern that have cast a dark cloud on the nation of Zambia and causing great anguish to the people.
Almost every day your administration is rocked with serious allegations of scandals of unprecedented corruption which betray to the core the trust of Zambians who entrusted you with a rare opportunity to serve them and preserve the land and wealth of the nation even for future generations.
The Financial Intelligence Center report has revealed alarming and frightening thefts and misappropriation of public resources under your watch. . Sir take responsibility. You cannot exonerate yourself from this rot. It is a shame you are deliberately shielding those that have been alleged to have been involved in looting the nation.
Our National Values and Principals enshrined in Part II Article 8 of our Constitution are supposed to be applied towards the interpretation of this constitution, enactment and interpretation of the law and in state policy development and implementation.
The Constitution of Zambia is the bedrock of peace, order, justice and development. It proceeds from the people of Zambia. It is sacred and defines and distinguishes us as a nation. You swore publicly before God Almighty and the people of Zambia to respect and honor this constitution. Sir integrity defines you as a person and will speak to your legacy.
Zambia today weeps and cries to God when they see arrogant abrogation of the Constitution, total disregard of the rule of law with impunity, injustice, selective justice, abuse of human rights, abductions and torture and rampant human rights abuses, ukukama abantu pamukoshi and wicked mingalato. Strange things are happening in our nation. Sir it is a shame. Take responsibility.
Constitutional democracy is being decimated senselessly and without shame, crime is rife and the police who are supposed to maintain law and order are pre-occupied with fighting the opposition political parties. Instead of being a Police Service it is now a Police Force. Sir, the Police are exerting force against your own people are surely de-campaigning you.
Children and mothers suffer the most under the grueling hunger, lack of medicines in hospitals and shortage of energy. You were voted in to make life better for Zambians but instead the living standards have deteriorated to unacceptable levels. Sir this suffering of innocent people could have been avoided if your Government had prioritized the welfare of your people. You should not have exported the maize and electricity to the neighboring countries.
Take responsibility of the hunger in the country despite the drought situation.
The marooning of 61 Containers with Medicines from Egypt imported under flouted tender regulations is a shame and a scandal. People have died because of lack of medicines. This is criminal. The former Minister of health should not just be dismissed but legally charged for the lives lost due to lack of medicines in hospitals.
There was great wisdom by our founding fathers to create three (3) Arms of Government namely the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. The sacred and wise separation of powers achieves so much including power balance, oversight and checks and balances. Now when the separation is adulterated, room for corruption, poor governance and collapse of rule of law are created. We are watching hopelessly Zambia slide into ungovernable confused state. Even the Constitutional Governance Institutions like ECZ, HRC and ACC have become dysfunctional because of lack of integrity and independence. I had an opportunity to serve as Commissioner at HRC and ACC and I
know what I am talking about.
I render this counsel on behalf of millions of peace loving and patriotic Zambians:-
Do the right thing NOW. The legacy you will leave will affect your children and your generations to come. God cannot be mocked, Ba Elder and Pastor, it is righteousness that exalts a nation, wickedness and injustice close heavens and bring curses and untold sufferings on the nation. Zambia deserves better.
Zambia and all its land and wealth belong to Zambians who are your employers.
Remember there is a God in heaven who holds all powers and can change things in a second. Pride comes before a fall. You can humble yourselves now and avoid a terrible fall.
I encourage Church and Civil Society leaders to be courageous and give direction and guidance to our President and his Vice President. The church has a mandate and responsibility to speak for the voiceless.
I hereby submit 4 pieces of advice.
The people of Zambia demand the immediate restoration of DEMOCRACY, JUSTICE, RULE OF LAW and respect for HUMAN RIGHTS.
All Zambians should freely participate in the determination of the nation’s destiny and in building sustainable political, legal, economic and social order for our nation to prosper and continue to enjoy peace. Please let political parties flourish and operate freely under the hard earned democratic climate. Sir you are just a Care Taker, do not kill opposition political parties established by Zambians.
Your focus should not be on how you perpetuate your stay in power.
It is futile and a chase of the wind.
Power belongs to the people of Zambia. In the same manner the Chief Justice, a man I have worked with in the past and respect a lot should ensure that true justice is dispensed from the Judiciary.
The pain of confusion , tension and uncertainty could be a thing of the past if the Judiciary can step in now and do the right thing.
The Speaker of the National Assembly knows in her heart of hearts that a lot needs to be justly corrected and the honor and decorum of the House restored. When people of Zambia give you an opportunity to serve them, be faithful and put Zambia first.
Concerning the land and wealth of our nation , please remember that Zambia belongs to Zambians. Precious Minerals and other natural resources are for Zambians. Do not sell Zambia’s land to Rwanda, Kenya and other foreign Countries. Let us preserve our God given resources for Zambians and the generations to come.
Peace and national unity are our hallmark and are essential for national development.
Hunger , lack and violence are enemies to peace. Discrimination in any form , tribalism , social injustice, inequity and selective justice are enemies to national unity and cohesion. Our fore fathers united us as one Zambia , one nation. How do you start tearing down the ancient pillars that God has erected in this Christian nation?
Deal justly and respectfully to the only surviving President of Zambia , His Excellency the 6th President, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu. One day , you will be former president and you will expect Zambians to treat you well with honor and respect.
May God Almighty soften your hearts to receive this counsel Mr. President and your Honor the Vice President. Legacy is to be valued. How will people remember you ? Your posterity should matter even to your children and generations to come.
Rev Godfridah Sumaili(Mrs)
Former Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs
Member of the Patriotic Front – Central Committee.
Hypocrite. Was there rule of law during your time. Bitter and resentful.
Do you expect a PF cadre to say anything positive about President HH and his government? The answer is an emphatic NO. So whether one is a Reverend or a Bishop as long as they are PF their views, usually laced with veiled tribalism, are programmed to be anti the current president and his government. Where were these reverends, prophets, pastors, psalmists and bishops when PF tribalism divided the country? “Christian Nation”, my foot!
There is no rule of law to restore because you did not leave any, you should even be ashamed of yourself. PF was number 1 in lawlessness. So Madame Reverend, you are better off to be quiet than talking.
Look at this foolish/prostitute reverend talking! Imagine All bad things we went through with PF criminals today she has got gut to start lecturing us what a nosense woman.
Fortunately, Zambia is endowed with a lot of people like Shishuwa Shishuwa. The alternative would have meant disaster for Zambia!!!
Sumaili if fact you are supposed to pay back all the money you got as minister since you had literally nothing to do day in and day out.