Sakwiba Sikota give us the whole verbatim transcript of the JJ Banda interview instead of cherry-picking- SIKAILE SIKAILE



Warning ⚠️ Long article with serious matters. If your brain is too lazy to read, please skip and watch TikTok videos.

There is one interesting development in Honourable JJ Banda’s situation regarding the alleged abduction case.

This involves the antics of JJ Banda’s lawyer, Mr. Sakwiba Sikota SC, who is also the chairman of UKA. He has been using information he claims to have obtained from the investigation interview room for propaganda at the UKA campaign platforms.

Considering Mr. Sakwiba Sikota’s credentials as a senior counsel, he is well-qualified to know that his presence in the interview room is to ensure:

1.His client provides information freely and voluntarily.
2.His client is not coerced into giving incriminating information.
3. His client understand the consequences of having conflicting statements that may be used against the suspect and many others.

This is why in criminal law, an intelligent counsel will ask for a private conservation with a client to be told facts off cameras. A smart lawyer will ask the client did you kill or not? So that the lawyer finds the best options available for their client(s).

However, Mr. Sakwiba Sikota has decided to use information he claims to have obtained from the interview room for propaganda purposes. Where is counsel-client privilege senior counsel?

If what Mr. Sakwiba says is from the interview room, what would he do if next time he is barred from being present in the same interview room? This information is used to develop leads to cases and must not be divulged before police investigations end.

If UKA has decided to play politics with this investigation, so be it. If JJ Banda was sharp enough he would have actually put a restrained order to all UKA’s team to stop playing politics. But again he knows the objective of the script and he wants to emerge a hero I guess. I play he emerges as a successful one.

Fellow countrymen and women, I demand that the next set of interviews be done on live television so that the public can follow, as opposed to getting half-truths from a shameless defense attorney doing propaganda with his client’s freedom.

I wonder what type of lawyer Sakwiba Sikota is. An interview is a privileged undertaking whose objective is to focus on the victim’s statement and connect it to the evidence.

An interview is not just mere storytelling but involves giving accounts that can be connected to the evidence. For instance, you say something and point to where it can be found. After the interview, the police would go and connect the dots. If nothing is found based on what you said, they would call you back for another interview to explain why the things you mentioned were not found.

If you tell the police during the interview, for example, “I was at my second wife’s home,” the second wife will be interviewed to confirm that and state the time and reason you left. This is called following the leads.

Mr. Sikota talked about the “Zero Option.” For those who may not know, this was a group of terrorists who wanted to undermine FTJ’s government. It was the Zero Option and the Black Mambas. They were allegedly suspected of even planting bombs at the State House.

Mr. Sakwiba Sikota, give us the whole verbatim transcript of the JJ Banda interview instead of cherry-picking, sir.

He has actually ended up implicating other UKA individuals who bought into his screaming propaganda where he announced that three individuals were named: Levy Ngoma, Clayson Hamasaka, and Trevor Mwiinde. In his recent press conference, which I paid particular attention to, he avoided mentioning these three individuals at all costs, yet he told UKA and PF to spread lies against others. It is common sense that many who bought his unverified claims would be in trouble.

It is funny how Mr. Sakwiba is using emotions in such a high-profile and tricky case of his clients. In other contexts, one would claim he has sold out his client to the state by misleading his clients. How is selling the client to the state? By making it easier to investigate wings to find facts. But again, who is misleading whom here, JJ Banda or Sakwiba? Only time will tell.

For instance, Mr. JJ Banda must tell where he was at 01:00 and where he was going. He must explain his routine that made it so easy to track him. What about his constant communication with Hon. Binwell Mpundu? What were they talking about? At what point did he pick up the K60,000 and how long was it in his custody?

In the recent press conference, Mr. Sakwiba failed to maintain consistency by claiming the state focused on the note written, and he asked why the state was so interested in the note. But he forgets that it was actually UKA, led by the former president, who started everything and spread it to the general public, further mobilizing cadres to go and camp at Twin Palm police station, where the former president Mr. Edgar Lungu predicted and assured the JJ Banda family of the date he would reappear.

These are the issues Mr. Sakwiba Sikota must address.

The police told us that Mr. JJ Banda opted to remain silent. But his lawyer says he actually withdrew that right and spoke.

Let the top-notch lawyer tell us: what time did JJ Banda write his suicide note? Where did he keep the pen? Why did he want to kill himself? Why did he want us, the Zambian people, to forgive him? Was the place he left at 01:00 a man or a woman’s place? If it was a woman’s place, what was the reason for leaving at that time when he should have been preparing for a round of morning glory? Was he happy when he left the place at 01:00?

If this top-notch lawyer wants to address the police interview, let him respond to all those questions I have asked because the police asked them.



  1. Why Sakwiba and not the Police who conducted the interview? Moreover investigations are still going on, why can’t we allow them to be completed?

  2. It is indeed surprising that Mr. Sakwiba Sikota is behaving in this manner, especially given that he is expected to know better.

  3. Sikaile, why is your party so concerned about a client- lawyer interview? You people are indeed implicated in this crime. Fortunately for you the Hapolice will sweep the crime under the carpet. The defence should the court allow prosecution,will be:‘ we vere only following ze orders of ze Gestapo”.

  4. My opinion is that this whole thing was planned it is was a staged abduction with the objective to cause unrest in the eastern province and hopefully spread to the whole country, because that client may mess up when he starts talking the idea is to let the lawyer speak so that he is careful with words and only him to speak to the public. Remember this same lawyer saying that this government can not fight at many battle fronts at the same time.

    • QAnon theorist thinking is the weakest but most dangerous way of harming public opinion. For example many people died needlessly during the COVID 19 pandemic.

      Your argument fails on this basis.

    • @Zambian , you are 100% RIGHT. UKA planned the whole thing and WANTED to bring chaos in the country BUT THEY WHERE SHOCKED.
      THESE GUYS are purely coordinated.


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