“She came under our invitation!” -Calling a Fire Tender to Your Burning Home is an Inevitable Choice- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


“She came under our invitation!” -Calling a Fire Tender to Your Burning Home is an Inevitable Choice

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Wrote;

The UPND Government has deep trouble explaining to the country, how a supposedly democratic and rule-of-law abiding government whose President won an election with popular mandate, is now a negative subject of numerous international human rights reports and is now under investigations for human rights abuses by the United Nations.

Their narrative is totally lost. They started with; “No it’s the Patriotic Front cadres that abused citizens and practiced violence.”

To justify this, they flooded the media with pictures of political violence and unleashed talking heads and useful idiots like Nevers Mumba to parrot the view.

Now that the narrative has failed as the United Nations holds accountable and responsible the State and its actors, such as the police, law enforcement agencies, Parliament, the Judiciary, the election body, they now have introduced a new narrative; “We invited her”, to shoMw their “innocence” or “transparency”.

How absurd!

Calling or inviting a fire tender or an ambulance to your burning home is not a patriotic act or friendly or welcoming option.

It’s an emergency. It’s a desperate act to save life or property.

We must remember that the emergency in this case, is the United Nations Report of Experts and UN’s earlier strong findings published on August 29th 2024 world-wide, that brings the presence of the Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur to Zambia;

“Zambia must immediately halt downward spiral of infringements on fundamental freedoms:” UN experts read the indictment on 29th August 2024.

The UN Independent Experts catalogued the multiple allegations of arbitrary arrests and detentions on charges of unlawful assembly, espionage, hate speech and seditious practices against opposition political party leaders and members, parliamentarians, human rights defenders and activists, as well as restrictions on gatherings, meetings, peaceful protests and rallies in Zambia.

The Special Rapporteurs requested the Government of Zambia to respond to the allegations within sixty (60) days of receipt of their communication, after which a report would be prepared by the Special Rapporteurs to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The Government has since given a response, a feeble excuse of a report dated 4th October 2024.

So the presence in Zambia, on behalf of the United Nations independent experts, of Ms Irene Zubaida Khan, a Bangladeshi British lawyer and human rights activist who is serving as the United Nations Special Rapporteur for freedom of expression and opinion, is an emergency act to save lives and not a happy-go-lucky tourism trip.

A fire tender doesn’t come to your house at your invitation. It’s the fire that makes you call 911.
Stop the fire burning in the country.
Stop abusing human rights.
Stop harrasing political opponents.
Stop destroying the Patriotic Front with your actions at the Registrar of Societies, the Judiciary and Robert Chabinga.
Stop arrests and harrasment of the Opposition and Critics.
Allow picjets, protests, demonstrations, public meetings, political rallies. That’s how people express themselves.
Stop arresting young people expressing themselves in social-media audios and TikTok videos.

Stop abusing the Zambia Police and law enforcement agencies.
Stop the abuse of Parliament. Allow freedom of expression to thrive in Parliament.
Stop the clear abuse of the Judiciary.
Stop the abuse of the Electoral Commission of Zambia. Free and Fair is the strongest guarantor of national peace and security.
Stop the torture of suspects.
Stop the prolonged detention.
And stop those extra-judicial killings being done by the Zambia Police, the numbers have risen now look like a murder or assasin ring.

Allow Freedom to reign, Allow citizens to exercise their rights. Allow Freedom to reign.


  1. Her visit has been very welcome and timely.

    We have not had this much peace and calm in many years. You can see people walking around with smiles everywhere.

    As citizens, we are requesting that she is permanently based in Zambia. At least until after elections in 2026, when we can bring in new leadership that is fair and competent.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Mwamba get a job.What you are doing is not working.What is wrong with you kanshi?Something is missing in that brick head of yours.Try to meditate everyday and look at yourself in the mirror

  3. (OhMyGod), I never thought,in my life time,will ever witness, such a Rage, ?
    to such an extent,that EMMANUEL MWAMBA, , could call, DR NEVERS MUMBA, A , USEFUL IDIOT… Really?
    Just, to differ, in one’s opinion or point of view? ,so those, of Mwamba’s tribesmen & women, serving in the UPND administration, have become, not so useful, unless,they toe Mwamba’s thinking,,No, I think it’s getting,out of hand now, ,PF, leaders, & it’s entire leadership,owes us ,a very candid explanation, surely,this kind of hurting & pain, being exhibited by PF, can not merely be, about, the Loss of the 2021 , Elections, ,, there must be something deeper than,that,, In 2011, MMD, lost to PF,… RB ,and MMD,were so ,magninamous in defeat, ,and there on, MMD never behaved the way PF, has behaved since, September 2021,
    UNIP healed, from their 1991 defeat, & equally MMD,healed from their 2011 defeat, but almost 4 years,on PF, is still hurting? What kind of ,Soul, did PF, loose most? ,,this is becoming very worrying to most Zambian people, ,if what’s happening in our politics,now, is a rehearsal for September 2026 ?

  4. Relax nigga. The “fire tender” hasn’t issued a report as yet. Getting dramatic like the 400 prophets of Baal who danced themselves into a frenzy will not bring fire from anywhere. If the UN rapporteur eventually reports that there is no fire, what will you say? If there was one, we would have already heard about it. Already Mumbi Phiri’s visit to the Human Rights Commission has revealed a “there were no human rights violations “.

    Don’t confuse fighting corruption with denial of human rights. Law enforcers caging a suspect is not a violations of human rights. Letting criminals run around without consequences is a violation of the rights of their victims. No one is above the law. If you resist arrest, don’t blame anyone if they knock out a few of yowa teeth.

    • You said it! Tell it like it is yo! Mwamba has it all wrong and thinks his narrative is all true.
      What is interesting in his rant and has now come out is that ECL led PF faction fabricated lies for Lungu to leave the country?
      With the pending cases where he is said to have given his children property, how will he then testify?
      Using the UN to evade prosecution.

  5. Can someone help this Mwamba something? He does not seem to be well. Spilling blood has never left anyone normal.
    That Plan B you are contemplating will be your downfall.
    You know gou caused havoc as a party sponsoring killings and violence in this country.
    UPND has brought Peace and you are throwing your Character and behaviour on it.
    You are being pursued for the crimes you committed and we know that you are scheming to use violent means to take over.
    You were chasing all those that spoke for the opposition in your time, now you need them, not for a genuine cause but to help you escape your troubled boat. Ordinary Zambians are laughing at you.
    You should seek some kind of cleansing of the ghosts of the people that died at your hands.
    The fact that you as a Young Man can call Dr Nevers Mumba an idiot only shows how much you have lost your consciousness.
    Nevers is not as tribal as you are. Everybody knows that the fight is about which tribe deserves the presidency.
    Zambia is for all Zambians and any tribe deserves to rule.
    Infact, there should be a deliberate law to give chance to all tribes to rule this country.
    A president must not come from only one or two tribes. There must be rotation and this is the only way this madness can come to an end.
    As for PF, you were given the opportunity but you wasted it by marginalizing other tribes. You brought volatility to this normally peaceful country.


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