should Hon. Jay Jay Banda die, we shall place the entire blame on President Hichilema – Edgar  Lungu


Good evening fellow Zambians

It has come to my attention this evening that sadly, our dear brother and parliamentarian, Hon JJ Banda, MP for Petauke Central is currently undergoing or about to undergo a surgical procedure at Chipata General Hospital following a severe deterioration to his health.

As we earlier feared along with his family, his health and life is quickly sinking to a lower ebb every day with no signs of  improvement under state captivity.

We remain doubly and immensely sad that our MP has never been given any chance to  mentally heal and physically recover from the brutal abduction and torture he suffered between May and June 2024.

From the day of abduction to date, the life of Hon. Banda has been under arbitrary state siege, as well as consistent and present danger as the state keeps him captive in chains disregarding to his health and human rights, strange situation in the 21st century.

Hon Banda’s life is at a high risk as we speak today because his political tormentors are so determined to crash and decimate it. But should Hon. Banda die, we shall place the entire blame on President Hichilema. His blood will be on President Hichilema’s hands. 

As your immediate former President, it breaks my heart to see the people JJ mentioned in his abduction walking freely without ANY WARN AND CAUTION STATEMENT or indeed arrest! Among the named suspects are President HH’s State House aides, Mr. Clayson Hamasaka, Mr. Levy Ngoma as well as UPND Deputy National Youth Chairperson, Trevor Mwiinde. Why are named abductors free and the victim imprisoned now with his life threatened?

As Zambians, we demand Justice, rule of law for all, and call upon the state to arrest and detain the named abductors immediately.  I also call upon all Zambians and corporating partners including SADC, AU, EU, UK, US, SA, UNDP and other Ambassadors in Zambia to stand up for Hon JJ Banda and his family as well as put him in prayers during these difficult times.

May God bless you all


Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth President of Zambia
Patriotic Front President
UKA Alliance Member


  1. These sentiments are most unfortunate coming from a former head of state. There are many people in jail who are alleged to have committed criminal offence. The gentleman has attended treatment at hospital so what has government or HH got to do with alleged illness?

  2. Your staged abduction has fallen flat on its face you let go of the idiot. Akunya matumbo manje kwasala kunya pwapwa, point at yourselves. Plus add also on yourselves the murder of mulenya done by your PF police junkies.

  3. Former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu is the person who encouraged atrocities, hooliganism, brutality and violence during his reign. He sponsored thugs to terrorise his political opponents and many people were killed by Zambia Police during peaceful protests.

    We also urge the Zambia Police to quicken the investigations and take Jay Jay Banda to court. The police should also update the nation on the alleged abduction case and all those who involved if at all he was abducted should face the arm of the law.

    Equally, it is wrong for former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu to blame president Hakainde Hichilema on the incarceration of Jay Jay Banda. The president does not arrest people is the duty of the Zambia Police and other law enforcement agencies to deal with criminal matters. It is also shameful to note that t
    former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his political associates UKA they have not publicly condemned the brutal murder of Mr. Muleya. Why the interest in Jay Jay Banda ‘s case?

  4. Really Edger Lungu is big problem. And he’s a problem himself. How can can blame an innocent man who was not even part the criminal activities that your leadership encouraged and cherished so much.

  5. Ignore him was drunk people are dying In the cell /prison I had never seen him dropping such nosense ,it is like he is considering them as less human beings only JJ banda is a human being.

  6. JJ Banda was not abducted at all. PF thugs have watched too many movies and scheme Mafia style actions over one too many bottles of wine.
    The JJ thing was a prelude to set the stage for what they have done to Gentile, unfortunately for them, they have been caught on their very first project.
    Now they want to emulate the complaints UPND made about Nsama Nsama so that Zambians can hate the UPND and sympathize with UKA. Very childish. The thing is they want to send threats to any future whistle blowers through Guntile’ s abduction and assassination. They have ophaned his children with no sympathy at all.
    UKA, as long as they choose to embrace ECL or any one to do with PF, is a failed project.
    We have our peace, no potential UNIVERSITY students are commiting suicide because they have no sponsor, bursaries withdrawn by PF are back, Meal allowances withdrawn by PF are back, Marketeers are trading without harassment by cadres, Ambassadors and High Commissioners from other countries are not afraid of deportation, a thing that PF made fashion and are not even ashamed to call upon the US Ambassador to Believe in their fake story of JJs case. JJ is a criminal facing various charges including attacking a police station here in Lusaka. Let him face the law without interference. Are you scared that he will mention you?

  7. It’s amazing when the Wolf himself cries “Wolf!” Kikikiki
    Anyone of us can have a Surgical emergency at any time, whether at home, work or during incarceration!
    As far as JJ’s Lawyer put it, his client has a pre-existing surgical condition which has remained unattended to until this time.
    As you call yourself former president of this country, you should know better that issuing careless statements to disturb the peace of the nation is irresponsibility of the highest order and when the Law visits you, don’t scream murder!
    You were actually worse during your merciless time in office and you should be the last one to complain!
    So if JJ dies of Surgical complications, what do you intend to do?
    Are you not the same person who has put JJ in problems?
    Stop using other people’s children to do your dirty political work!
    Use Daliso and Tasila!
    Boma should record a warn and caution statement on this anarchist before he brings civil strife!
    A gag order on him is in order.
    Asunge mau before it’s too late!

  8. Was this chap really head of state? Has he got a responsible wife,children, relatives and friends? With such adults around, Zambia is in trouble. This man is sick in the head.

  9. One day, UPND abductors will account for their iniquities. When the most high just pronounced during his presser that a thug attacked a police station and that umulandu taubola, dots were connected linking those close to the most high to this heinous crime of abduction of JJ. Only time will tell. JJ is a Zambian and cannot be treated like that and everyone in UPND are happy. A Chinese closes a road to build flats, the government starts negotiating, it’s nauseating to see such nonsense.

  10. It seems Mr. Lungu thinks politicians are above the law, especially those belonging to PF. Of course, during his despotic reign, this was the case. Well, there is a new sheriff in town and you better get used to the fact that law and order is the new theme.

    Mr. Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda committed crimes including assaulting a journalist and weeing in his mouth. As if this was not enough, he raided the Lusaka Central Police station and beat up a police officer. As was the practice during Mr. Lungu’s rule, his punishment was just a slap on the wrist.

    It is time Mr. Banda properly accounted for his criminal conduct. Why is it that politicians develop all sorts of ailments when they face criminal charges?


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