Magistrate David Simusamba flashing PF symbol

MMD president Nevers Mumba says he does not think magistrate David Simusamba deserves to sit as a man discharging justice on behalf of God.

Commenting on the Judicial Complaints Commission’s recommendation that magistrate Simusamba be removed as a judicial officer following his (Mumba’s) complaint letter against him, Mumba said the magistrate was “too compromised”.

Following a complaint to the Judicial Complaints Commission by Mumba two years ago, the Secretary to the Commission responded with a recommendation that proceedings be commenced for the removal of magistrate Simusamba as a judicial officer.

According to a letter addressed to Mumba, JCC secretary Naisa Makeleta stated that, “RE: YOUR COMPLAINT AGAINST MAGISTRATE DAVID SIMUSAMBA. Reference is made to your complaint to the Commission as indicated above, dated 10th April, 2018. The Commission considered the complaint and having noted the issues raised therein, resolved to submit a report to the Judicial Service Commission with a recommendation that proceedings be commenced by the said body for the removal of Magistrate Simusamba as a judicial officer. The Secretary to the Judicial Service Commission has since responded stating that the Judiciary Management has been tasked to further enquire into the allegations against Magistrate David Simusamba. Further, that the Commission shall be informed of the course of action to be taken by the Judicial Service Commission after completion of the internal processes. The Commission shall accordingly revert to you upon receipt of the action taken report by the Judicial Service Commission. I have been directed to inform you accordingly. The delay in attending to your complaint, due to vacancies in the membership of the Commission and other circumstances beyond the Commission’s control, is deeply regretted.”

Commenting on the same, Mumba said Simusamba needs to try another profession.

“It has taken a long time but I do understand because there has been a change of commissioners and I commend a new set of commissioners who have quickly worked on it. Also, I am actually encouraged that they took my concern and our concern seriously and I think we raised some very serious allegations against honourable Simusamba,” Mumba said. “He misconducted himself through and through and personally I do not think he deserves to sit as a man discharging justice on behalf of God.”

He said there had been other complaints about Simusamba abusing his position to disadvantage some political players.

“I think he [Simusamba] needs to try another profession and I think he is too compromised to be useful to the judicial system. I hope that those who are tasked with the responsibility to now take the actual action will not succumb to the same pressure of corruption that might persuade them to give in…” said Mumba. “I am not the only one who has complained about honourable Simusamba. There have been a lot of complaints, especially from political players, that he has taken advantage of his position to abuse some of us and the Judicial Commission is proving that it can stand on behalf of ordinary citizens like us.”


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