Socialist Party suffers another setback as Western Province officials become the latest on the list of those leaving the party


Socialist Party suffers another setback as Western Province officials become the latest on the list of those leaving the party.


    • Here we go again. How do you know? On what basis do you make such a baseless assumption? What tribe is Mmembe for you to think there a tribal basis for the said Lozi member(s) to resign?
      Ba Zamzam you have naive and narrow insight of zambian dynamics.
      Mmembe’s parent is Lozi. Related to one of the women Sata had a child with, and was Permanent Secretary before his demise. So before you make empty statements above tribe have the facts.
      People are leaving emass the party because they have seem that Mmembe apart from his rethoric, he has nothing to offer.
      The very idology that the party stands for is no something that Zambians stand for. Look at what the same revolutionary talk suggests in Zimbabwe or South Africa? Just chaps chanting non sense when given the opportunity to lead. All they do is loot.
      So you think the average Zambian will waste their time listening to someone who wants to be a dispot leader like Maduro? Believes after suffering and hardwork will be accorded a chance to excel when the means to success is by patronage and lineage?
      Zamzam…please focus of that religion and caste system that you practice. It works for you. Business is what you are good at. Leave politiking to those that are good at it.

  1. M’membe is never in touch with his members. His job is just writing long articles attacking HH and yet doesn’t say anything to his members leaving them as political orphans. He doesn’t even visit some provinces especially Southern and Northwestern provinces.


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