Speaker advises Nkana MP to read the law if he wants to be a lawyer


Speaker advises Nkana MP to read the law if he wants to be a lawyer

NELLY Mutti has dished out some free career advice to outspoken Nkana Member of Parliament Binwell Mpundu urging him to thoroughly read the law if he wants to be a lawyer.

The speaker, a seasoned lawyer with the title of State Counsel to her name encouraged Mpundu to verse himself with law after he questioned her decision to declare the Kawambwa seat vacant this afternoon.

The declaration comes two days after the Kawambwa Magistrates Court convicted lawmaker Nickson Chilangwa for malicious damage and handed him a five year jail term.

Citing various provisions of the law to support her action, Speaker Mutti declared the Kawambwa seat vacant.

“Article 72 (2)(b) of the constitution provides for a seat in the National Assembly to fall vacant when a member of parliament is serving a prison sentence,” Mutti said.

She further quoted the constitution which states that a person is disqualified from being elected as a member of parliament if that person is serving a sentence of imprisonment for an offense under a written law.

“The import of these two provisions is that once a member of parliament is convicted and sentenced for an offense, that member immediately ceases to hold office as a member of parliament. Therefore, in the case of Nickson Chilangwa MP, his office became vacant as soon as he was imprisoned for five years,” Mutti said.

But before Mutti’s announcement could even be digested by the house, Mpundu rose on a point of order questioning her ‘rushed’ declaration saying a convict had a period in which they could appeal their conviction.

“Madam speaker, the standard practice of the house and by the constitution of this republic, there is always a period provided for appeal, my worry on this madam speaker, has this house taken notice madam speaker, that there is that time frame for appeal for us to get into this matter for which window is still available for appeal. I seek your indulgence,” said Mpundu.

In response, Mutti said; “Honorable member for Nkana that point of order you are raising on the presiding officer, sorry it does not qualify. The ruling has been delivered, the law is very clear, where a member of parliament is challenging the election petition is being challenged and he loses the case, that is where a member can be given an opportunity to fully exhaust the the process.

The speaker further went on to advise Mpundu to avoid future embarrassments such as this.

“Okay anyway, am not even going to go there, let’s make progress, if you want to be a lawyer, read the law,” said Mutti and in the process created an brief moment of awkward silence in the House.

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba July 24, 2024


  1. Ubukopo, this PF dickhead has no brains. He thinks he is clever just like most PF cadres. And yet the idiot has he’s just an empty head.
    How can this foolish arsewhore think he knows the law better than Nelly Muti. Whoever, bewitched him finished him completely. How can a country develop with such self centred ignorant MPs. He must be swimming in shame today!

  2. This Mpundu also mostly like rushing arrogantly into issues that he could have gone in with using a leveled cover.

    His colleague Honourable Kangombe MP for Wusakile is very wise, young Kangombe will go very far because even the way he debates in Parliament is admirable. But this one Mpundu, surely ni Mwana chagwa snake (ECL) full Dublicate

    Kulibonesha taa

  3. Benwell Mpundu is not well informed he is allover making noise in parliament without understanding procedures and the law. What embarrassment? There is too much competition among the PF on who is controversial and vocal? Arguments without knowledge and technical understanding of matter under discussion brings shame.

  4. Bapuba aba. Have you people forgotten the issue surrounding the monies donated by the jerabos for the construction of the Library in Kitwe when the chap was DC? When you hear him speak, like he is smart and clean. Ninshi balifilwa Ichabaice?

  5. Mr. Mpundu’s argument is not as stupid as some are making out.

    Mr. Chilangwa can appeal. What happens if his appeal is upheld and conviction quashed by a higher court and meanwhile, the by-elections have gone ahead?

    That is why they say “The law is an ass”.


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