Friday, 31st May, 2024

The UKA Council of Secretaries General (CSG), would like to appeal to all political leaders and the general public at large to stand together to condemn all acts of political violence and verbal abuse targeted at political leaders mainly in the opposition, including former President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

Zambia’s history is rich with peaceful transitions of power and strong democratic ideals. Let’s recommit ourselves to those values!

We, the people of Zambia, must reject all forms of political violence and verbal abuse. This includes attacks on the former President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his family, opposition leaders, and their supporters. Violence and insults tear our nation apart and stifle healthy political discourse.

As the UKA Council of Secretaries General, we strongly condemn all acts of political violence and verbal abuse, whether directed at the former president, opposition parties, or any citizen. These tactics have no place in a healthy democracy. We particularly urge our youths not allow themselves to be used to commit violent acts.

Disagreements are inevitable, but they should be addressed through respectful dialogue, not intimidation or threats. A strong democracy thrives on the open exchange of ideas, not the silencing of opposition and insults.

We urge all Zambians to reject violence as violence only breeds further violence. Let’s choose peace and unity. Let us practice respectful dialogue engaging with those who hold different views in a constructive manner. We need to focus on finding common ground. We are all Zambians, regardless of political affiliation. Violence divides us and hinders national progress.

As Zambians we also need to hold leaders accountable and demand that politicians lead by example, promoting civility and respect for the rule of law on both sides of the divide. Whether in the ruling party or in opposition we are ALL Zambians and have the right to live in peace, love and harmony with one another especially that we are a Christian Nation under the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

The Rule of Law should be upheld for everyone, regardless of political standing. We must strongly advocate for a fair justice system.

Therefore, we appeal especially to the political leaders and the Nation at large to engage in respectful dialogue, focusing on issues, not personalities. To be tolerant and respect the right of others to hold different views. And finally, to find non-violent actions to express dissent peacefully through protests, marches and at the ballot during an election.

To all political party leaders, we urge you to speak out against violence and promote respectful interaction denouncing violence and insults within your party ranks. Please desist from using the youths to carry out heinous acts of violence at your instruction. It is our responsibility as leaders to guide these young people on how to uphold our national values of peace, love and unity.

Together, let’s build a Zambia where everyone feels safe to express their opinions and participate in the political process. Let’s work towards a future where our differences are a source of strength, not division.

Therefore, we the UKA Council of Secretaries General urge everyone to:

  1. Reject calls for violence, no matter the source.
  2. Engage in respectful conversations, even with those we disagree with.
  3. Hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions.

Finally, we, the people of Zambia, must collectively reject political violence and verbal abuse. These tactics have no place in our democracy.

Together, we can build a stronger Zambia where everyone feels safe to express their opinions and participate in the democratic process.


Hon Lucky Mulusa
UKA Secretary General
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. The starting point should be the banning Koswe Media..The kind of abuse from Koswe is too much… Zambia will be a better place without Koswe..It is a divisive platform, and really has no place in Zambia’ s discourse.
    Cyber bullying, and the insults against people on Social Media should be stopped.Currently any dissenting view is subject to insults and threats. The way madam Edith Nawakwi has been insulted on social media is heart breaking…This is a mother, grandmother, and a person who has served the country in government and in politics. She deserves respect..This goes for the 6th President ECL too, and many other leaders..But I doubt if it Will change..It has become so deeply entrenched in the Political culture of some political party supporters.. But thank you UKA – SGs for bringing this issue to the fore..A sobering concern.

  2. In all fairness do you not think HH deserves this same respect you write about? Madame Nawakwi did wrong she is amongst the top 3 or 5 in insulting the head of state. Yes I too am for civilised politics and we can give opinions without insults. Let us give respect to the head of State.

  3. Ba UKWA or UKA.

    You have to be mature in your dealings and genuinely seek wisdom, you definitely buy only by faith find.

    All the confusion and tension that is now trying to grow up in this country is mostly the making of you, and the majority being in UKA. try to examine yourself genuinely not being in the group of snakes if at all you want to know by not being pretenteously,you will find that your group and your proxies are the ones who are planting these divisions. Kindly search and see using your naked eyes and hear using your naked ears you will definately see what is already visible and clear in spirit. Just sober up and try to listen to your consciousness.
    1. Just for example ( analyse the sentmets from Mr. Lungu ) he always brings out Vernon like a green mamba of just generally a snake, had not been his careless talk which is also been growing in his proxies, the Munir Zulu, the Edith nawakwi, the Chilufya Tayali, the same young man who attacked the POLICE and even threatening them, and also atole from them at their Police Service Offices in Lusaka, Just imagine and this was during Lungus period of rule. Violent characters. Everywhere and everything is just violent mostly from lungus camp.

    I still remember how S. Tembo was bruised, I still remember how you Mulusa was treated during the fire tender issue.

    So please seek and look for wisdom. You will definately find it and it will guide you.

    Cry out for wisdom, and beg for understanding. Search for it like silver, and hunt for it like hidden treasure. Then you will understand respect for the LORD, and you will find that you know God. Only the LORD gives wisdom; he gives knowledge and understanding..

    All these things you are talking about should at least at some point reflect your character.

    Grow up people. And don’t thirsty of power and jewelry. You will end up regretting.

  4. Well said UKA. There’s also a form of violence that is perpetrated through on line media especially by Koswe! Koswe is just there to promote lies and insults , which are very provocative. And afterwards turn around and say it’s PF bringing problems. We know some people got very frustrated by failure to rule the country all this long. But power comes from God, you cannot force to rule ,otherwise you fail! So I hope they have heard and listened. The current government is making things worse by being mute over insults from it’s members, especially Hichilema is very key in this, if he doesn’t say anything it means he’s supporting what his followers are doing or saying. Like the violence exhibited by the minister of home Affairs at Medland hospital. If things like that can happen in the presence of a minister , who reports to the president, it means this country is going nowhere! What was exhibited at medland hospital was too much of hostility. Upnd government is very hostile to it’s citizens. And with that they expect a second term. It’s not possible. God help us please.

  5. Are these people normal?
    Without belabouring, we saw that lack of normality when they were in power.
    Very abnormal bunch.
    Can they try, for once, walk the talk?


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