Stop preaching miracle money, Bishop Mususu rebukes clergy

Bishop Mususu

Mususu rebukes clergy

Stop preaching miracle money

By Kombe Chimpinde Mataka

EVANGELICAL Fellowship of Zambia board chairperson Paul Mususu says the peace and prosperity being preached in Zambia should be centred on hard work.

And Bishop Mususu has admonished pastors against preaching “miracle money”.
In a homily yesterday during the National Day of Repentance, Prayer and Fasting at Lusaka’s Showgrounds graced by
Vice-President Mutale Nalumango, Bishop Mususu said Zambia would not develop on handouts.
“All hard work brings profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. You want to chase poverty, work. You want to chase poverty in the nation, please work. May I draw attention to my beloved politicians because sometimes we also fall prey to that. It is not about handouts, it is about hard work. You can give somebody bread or a fish, they will eat today and tomorrow. They will be at you doorstep demanding for more but if you train them, give them some work to do, it becomes profitable,” he said. “They will not only get out of your way, off your radar, but they will be able to sustain and help others as well. Zambia will never prosper by handouts. It takes hard work. Proverbs 14:23 very clearly states that hard work brings profit. All of us doing our bits, our country will be prosperous.”
Bishop Mususu admonished the church to stop preaching “miracle money”.

“Just like I admonished our politicians, may I passionately appeal to my fellow clergy, especially us in the evangelical fraternity and
Pentecostal charismatic, there isn’t anything as miracle money. You must stop that. Let us help people to work. If you produce miracle
money, you are mischievously robbing the banks because the banks are the only ones entitled to print money and by the way money is not divine. It is not grace. Money is man-made. Show me the coin, whose

inscription is on the money? Even if the American dollar has ‘in God we trust’, that dollar is not grace. It is still on earth. So as
we prosper our country, let us perform miracles to heal people, to heal them and make them well so that they go to work and not lazying around and queuing up for this miracle money,” he said. “I know I may be treading on ice here but it needs to be said. The Bible says it is God by His grace who helps us produce wealth.”

Bishop Mususu said prayer and fasting was the best practice as shown by the lord who didn’t just teach it but practiced too.
“He talked about giving alms. He talked about prayer and he also talked about fasting,” he said. “In verse 2 of Chapter six of Mathew, when you give to the needy, notice, it does not say if you give to the needy, verse five says when you pray, again notice, he has not said if you pray. And then he says in verse 17, when you fast, so it is a matter of when these things are done. It is not if. Prayer and fasting are assumed by the lord Jesus Christ that a Christian ought to do these things.”

Bishop Mususu said the day of prayer and fasting was a great day in Zambia.
He said the Apostle Paul in Ephesians in Chapter 4 of the bible, says “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling”.

“Zambia is called Christian nation and where we live a life worthy of living, keeping up with the calling of Christians, we need to live a kind of life. Then he describes the kind of life this Christian nation ought to have. You notice in verse two, he says ‘completely be
humble’. I suggest to you that if we have to enjoy what is promised in verse three, we can only do so with humility and gentleness. He says when you are humble and gentle to one another, it will be easy for us to keep the unity of purpose, the unity of the spirit. Arrogance and pride destroys unity and peace,” he said.
Bishop Mususu also implored Zambians to be patient.
“There is no peace when people are in a rush, in a hurry, pushing each other and trampling on each other to be the first,” he said.
Bishop Mususu said unity in the country was what would promote prosperity.
“We have in our theme hardwork. Let me suggest to us even on the onset… there is a number of us that think that work was as a
result of the curse, the Adam fall. No! Hard work was commissioned even before the fall. Genesis accounts for that wherein it says, in
verse five, before God created man it never rained. Why? Gensis says because there was no man to till the land. So only when God created man did he cause the rain to fall,” said Bishop Mususu. “Further He also raises and commissions Adam in the garden of Eden.
He said ‘till the land, that is your assignment’. What was added to our labour was sweat. In other words what was to be enjoyed before the fall was something that Adam needed to do but after the fall work became tough.”
The prayers were held under the theme ‘promoting national unity, peace, integration for a prosperous Zambia through hard work’.
Notables among those that attended the prayers were former vice-presidents Inonge Wina and Nevers Mumba, acting PF president Given Lubinda, former religious affairs minister Godfridah Sumaili and former first lady Esther Lungu.
Former president Edgar Lungu who was invited to be part of the prayers at the Showgrounds, opted to attend prayers in Mtendere along with Professor Nkandu Luo.


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