Stop wasting people’s time with meaningless, hour-long addresses – Edgar  Lungu Advises Hichilema


ECL TO HH: “As president, I kept quiet whenever I had nothing significant to say. As leaders, let us stop wasting people’s time with meaningless, hour-long addresses.”

Fellow Citizens,

I recently read from The Mast newspaper reporting that President Hakainde Hichilema has formally apologized to the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops over the recent inappropriate incident in Kabwe where police halted a private meeting between the Bishop of Kabwe, the Rt. Rev Clement Mulenga, and myself.

If what the unnamed Minister quoted by the newspaper is saying is true, then I commend the President for being magnanimous when wrong. However, there is no reason to mark routine government correspondence to citizens and civil society as “secret” unless one is attempting to hide an embarrassment or to placate the church but avoid doing it publicly. This is unprofessional and unpresidential because the wrong was done in public view to the extent that most of our citizens are equally still offended.

Or maybe the Minister is lying about President Hichilema´s reported secret apology to the Catholic Bishops over the Kabwe incident, otherwise, why classify the information?

Going forward, I hope we can have genuine and open apologies regarding other issues such as the record-high cost of mealie meal, electricity shortages, expensive transportation, food, and expensive fuel. This is part of good governance.

We are now experiencing load-shedding that now extends beyond 12 hours, the indiscriminate selling of the nation’s mining assets and contraction of new debt without parliamentary approval. These policy misdeeds require public apologies to Zambians too!

The ongoing assault on our democracy including denying of opposition parties their constitutional right to hold public meetings, the numerous and arbitrary pre-trial arrests of opposition leaders and civic activists on fake charges. The constant violation of human rights and the rule of law, the criminal behaviour of panga yielding ruling party cadres, the deep regional divisions instigated by the executive, and…yes, the LIES. All these need public apologies from the President himself!

By the way, these are the issues that Zambians want government to address. Not more self-praise. Not telling people that we are spying on them. Not the false claims of “I was put on death row” when the matter never touched any court trial and judgement after regional and global mediation. As any lawyer would easily tell you, a person is only put on death row after they have been tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Fyalungula! Next time, we will be told “I even died.”

As president, I kept quiet whenever I had nothing significant to say. As leaders, let us stop wasting people’s time with meaningless, hour-long addresses. Let us learn to keep quiet and stay away from the press if all we can muster is our pathological pursuit of personal interests, political bitterness and hatred at the expense of the interests of the majority poor and unemployed Zambians that can barely eat a meal a day.

If leaders have failed to govern, it is better to step down and resign, so that other competent Zambians can take over. This is normal political practices worldwide.

And if people complain about tribalism, the solution is not to enact laws that would result in stiffer punishment for those complaining but to correct the situation. In civilized societies, governments don’t punish the victims or complainants of visible bad policies, democratic governments listen to their voters and change the bad attitude and policies to address citizens’ complaints.

There´s no need to threaten Zambians with mass arrests when they complain against tribalism and regionalism.

Let government demonstrate policy shift against tribalism and most people will stop complaining. In a true democracy, people must have the freedom to express themselves freely without fearing an arrest and punishment, that only happens in a dictatorship. The last time I checked as former President, Zambia was a democracy, NOT a dictatorship. No threats will silence Zambians.

God bless you all

Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth President of Zambia
PF President.


  1. Ever confrontational! Never a grown up approach. One wonders how he became a president of mother Zambia.
    Yes you did not call fir press conferences almost your 7 year tenure because you had nothing to tell us. Why, because you were hell bent on destroying our beloved nation.
    One question I have for you, ba Lungu, why did tribalism and regionalism become prominent during your reign? Your levels of evil cannot be compared with any president before you. Why?
    You have never meant well for our country. As cases for attrocities, corruption and others are being investigated, ZP should also restore the case of your nationality

  2. But Edger Lungu lisaka sana. What exactly is he fighting for imwe mwebantu uyu tata. It’s true he’s panicking alot. Ala you’re a retiree, look for the land and start making yourself at least with farming. Anyway fili ukotuya.

  3. BaLungu, our currennt president engages us consistently and predictably. Once every 3 months. We give him feedback about his performance and he makes the necessary adjustments in order to deliver the best leadership.

    You failed to hold a single press briefing in the 7 years you sat in state house. Now that someone is doing what you failed to do, you predictably bad mouth him instead of humbly acknowledging the huge gap that was there in your misleadership. Please continue in your bitterness and malice.

  4. Tavern politics. No class. Always looking for fights. You cannot protect your family by being angry. It was not HH that made the laws on thefts and grafts.

  5. Jealous if it takes over your mind is a problem. And he knows if you hv nothing to say just remain silent. But he has chosen to talk. Look at what he is saying. This is a former president who failed even a single press conference.

  6. You should also not waste our time writing this non sensical write up showing that you mean well for this country when in the actual sense you’re not. Please spare us the drama. You destroyed and this is enough we understand it.

  7. Is this your well-thought assessment?

    If so; please explain why most voters rejected him in such an unprecedented manner.

  8. But Lungu, I don’t know what type of a person he is. Typical of a snake really but this type of arrogance and bad behaviour is very dangerous to himself.

    He is provoking the majority he injured and such behaviour always brings curses and disasters to such leaders and their families

  9. The message scores on reactions from anger rather than a carefully well thought out strategic prouncements. If not properly and deliberately structured these type of reactions further weaken the one uttering the words and lifts up the one being unfairly and unwisely judged.

    It should be understood that Styles of leadership differ from one leader to another. To think that everyone must follow through and comply with another’s preference is just plain arrogance and unrealistic. Why not relax and allow for someone to use his own style rather than push for a narrative which does not make any sense.

    This reveals more about the author than the person it is intended to harm.
    This clearly shows us voters how wisely we need to seriously consider what good and reliable leadership is all about.

    The leadership style of this current President is very good as we the voters feel we are participating in the governance of our country. Even though informative it is non the less greatly appreciated. It is a good start. It is better than being in the dark all the time about were we are going as a nation. ( though we really need more power from Zesco).

    Therefore it is not right to think that feedback is not necessary. On the other hand refusal of accountability is the type of thinking that is deeply rooted in dictatorial tendencies.

    I would rather have a President who is ready to be queationed publicly about important national issues than one who cowers away and refuses to be accountable to those who vote for him.

    Personally , I think this is alot of noise but has no substance to move well informed reasoning citizens.

    From a personal level I understand why maybe this was meant to appeal more on self appeasement and to hurt the counter part rather than offering positive criticism.

    This is the world we unfortunately live in.

  10. Does Mr. Lungu know what a dictatorsjip is? In case he has a different understanding of the term, his reign was typical of a dictatorship complete with the goons he unleashed upon us in the form of cadres, Delta Force and Mr. Lusambo’s Nato Forces. As icing on his dictator cake, he had Bonny “Bone Crusher” Kapeso as his enforcer in the police.

    A good leader communicates with his people whether it is at household level, corporate level or national level. For the seven years of your rule, you were mute because probably half of the time you were drunk and not aware of what was going on. There was a lot to talk about but you were ndwiiiii.

    Mr President HH, we appreciate your regular press briefings. They give us a sense of direction and security in these challenging times and help to assure us that we shall overcome. Please, keep the channels of communication wide open. Don’t listen to “ba chibulu” (the mute person).

  11. It is very dissapointing that this can come from you Sir. If there is anyone to say sorry, it is you. You are the very person who brought this Country to it’s Knees.
    Why didn’t you resign then due your incompetence. Up to now you have not heard any single apology from you Sir.
    Come on be fair and object.

  12. Rigmarole! Those who say ECL and HH must put their differences aside and dialogue have seen by now that they are chasing wind.HH wants to adhear to the oath he signed for in the interest of the nation when he was given mandate by the people of Zambia.He has tried by all means to follow the rule of law.Mr ECL is showing determination of wanting to be president again.What is amazing is what new and better ideas is he carrying along with in his new epoch? Or to come and protect his estates?When you send people to someone ‘s house in the night and the case is not reported to any police station and no record any ocarance book is that not intention to kill? No police call out? And all is done on flimsy road traffic charges.Charged with treason and sent to Mukobeko maximum security prison in Kabwe .Was that just mare threats on an innocent citizen or intentions to kill? The criminal laws that we have today were designed by ECL’ s government.Those found wanting are being çharged based on the criminal procedure code that was left by Mr ECL.HH’s adress to the nation was genuine and timely.Now that these laws are going to be fine tuned to meet the demand for people who break the laws with impunity it’s time for families to advise each other to behave.Children advise you parents to bahave or else.And parents tell your children to conduct themselves well.One Zambia One nation “man north,man south,man east man west same.” Dr Kaunda said so.


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