Maurice Makalu writes:
The 2022 Budget is actually already funded. So just celebrate people!
And when you think about it, it is actually a CONSERVATIVE budget… there was room to dream more
But just from that, when you look at this budget, you can see serious caution from HH…but yet still taking big steps that will move things tangibly.
Here is the money for the 2022 budget
- The budget is K173bn…
- ZRA has been tasked to raise K79bn…they raised K90bn this year
You can’t expect them to fail to raise K79bn next year
K173bn – K79bn leaves K94bn
- There’s K49bn budget support from donors
Donors only fail to release money when you steal, abuse money or citizens, and are not transparent and accountable
That can’t happen under HH’s watch… you have already seen if you have eyes
So K94bn – K49bn leaves K45bn to finance
- The IMF program is coming… that’s a cool $1.3bn
It will sit at BoZ as reserves meaning we can now spend the earlier $1.4bn drawing rights already received
$1.4bn is a cool K22bn
So K45bn – K22bn leaves K23bn to finance
- The Minister says he will borrow K20bn from within Zambia
BoZ never fails in that area
So K23bn – K20bn leaves K3bn to finance
- Just fines and penalties and other charges government levies on us can provide a cool K1bn
K3bn – K1bn = K2bn
- K2bn is $118 million dollars
HH can’t fail to raise that…even if he’s sleeping.
Country men and women, lift your heads, square your shoulders…RISE UP and walk tall!
A New Dawn is TRULY here. It’s not a dream… it’s happening!
The 2022 budget is already funded! Don’t worry. Be happy!