Recently, Mwangala Zaloumis, the chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), revealed plans to implement reforms for the upcoming general election in 2026 potentially. One proposed change is to extend the deadline for releasing presidential election results by four days after the election. While ECZ argues that these reforms are necessary to address electoral law shortcomings, significant risks are tied to delaying the announcement of presidential election results in August 2026. I have outlined these potential risks to emphasize the importance of ensuring that ECZ, relevant authorities, and stakeholders fully comprehend the implications of the proposed changes.

It is crucial to acknowledge that prolonged delays in announcing the presidential election results could result in an electoral crisis. Uncertainty and disagreements among political parties and voters may breed mistrust in the electoral system, sparking potential social unrest and instability within the country. This may also fuel feelings of injustice and frustration among the electorate, possibly escalating to civil unrest, demonstrations, and protests, further jeopardizing the country’s political stability.

By postponing the declaration of presidential election outcomes, it opens the door to potential manipulation. Lack of immediate transparency and accountability during the voting process poses a threat of result tampering. This poses a danger to the fundamental democratic values of open and fair elections.

It is also important to understand that the proposed change has a higher potential to undermine the democratic values of transparency, accountability, and the right to vote. They erode public trust in the electoral process and compromise the legitimacy of the election outcome.

The proposed change will probably attract scrutiny and criticism from the global community. The country’s standing in the international arena and its relationships with other countries might suffer due to the lack of transparency and efficiency in the electoral process.

Finally, the prolonged delays in announcing presidential election results could result in legal challenges and lengthy court battles. This may deepen political divisions and delay the formation of a strong government, impeding progress and growth in the nation.

Undeniably, electoral reforms are crucial for upholding democratic standards and enhancing the electoral process. However, the ECZ must carefully assess the risks of prolonging the declaration of presidential election results. Any proposed changes should prioritize the national interest over allowing the ruling party to win at all cost. Failure to do so could lead the country down a destructive path. The ECZ must focus on transparency, efficiency, and accountability to safeguard the integrity of the electoral system and facilitate a seamless transition of power post-election.

Therefore, the recommended extended postponement of announcing the presidential election results in the upcoming 2026 general election presents considerable threats to the democratic process in Zambia. The ECZ should reassess its strategy and work towards introducing changes that foster equity, confidence, and reliability in the electoral framework. The ECZ must acknowledge the worries of all parties involved and prioritize the welfare of the Zambian populace to protect the longevity of democracy in the nation.

The Struggle Continues

Sensio Banda
Former  Member of Parliament
Kasenengwa Constitunency
Eastern Province


  1. Our election process should become electronic, you fyanta yowa thumb on the screen, you make yowa choices, the computers tally results as soon as you finish. That way election results will be available last day of voting, when the last person has voted. That way even those in diaspora can vote at our embassies and high commissions. WANU Day. Not 4 days.

  2. Zambians pay attention to what I’m going to say and then I’ll come to accept that you are in a gigantic state of mess to an extent of civil disobedience and unrest come May 2026 presidential elections.
    1: look at the composition of the people running ECZ which party do they support UPND and there is nothing to argue about . Go to there track record of their support, articles written or contributions on social media platforms.
    2: HH immediately he came into power embarked on capturing state institutions/ instruments of power in a very different era than his predecessors. Looks at the Police , three DIG all from Southern province, IG is just a rubber stamp does not make any decisions but DIG at state house. Look at Police commissioners heading provinces six are tongas two Lozis and one obvious. Zambia Army, ZNS and ZAF , judiciary, parliament, DEC, ACC, attorney general, DPP, Zesco, ZRA , Tazara, ZCcm holding the list is endless.
    ECZ in it’s current form will undoubtedly cause the endless bloodshed that Zambia has not experienced or witnessed they are pro UPND and some of the inner workings that people are working under have already raised red flags some provinces leaning towards UPND have more voters than actual people.
    They are manufacturing the data to suit their pay master. They started having voter registration in Luapula to see the response and immediately the knew they were more voters registering this gave them a snapshot of understanding what will happen if internal manipulation of figures can help.
    I hope this four days can be challenged and reversed before calamity hit Zambia. These people running ECZ will run to neighbouring countries for their safety when a common man will face atrocities

    • Go spill blood in your home!
      Can you compare the composition of officers in the different government departments with the one-sided composition for PF?
      Learn to be serious.
      We saw regionalism under PF never unseen in this country.
      It’s only in PF when tribalism was prominent! Firing civil servants because they are from a particular region!
      Have you seen this under UPND?
      I am from Kasama, but I do not agree with you

  3. Pafwenamwine, you are 100% correct. These people are scheming how to rig and win the 2026 elections. The four days are meant to facilitate the illegalities. Let us fight this cruel and corrupt regime.

    • Unless you are ruling, PF can never win an election in Zambia. Commanders getting money from hardworking Zambians. Do you see this muma stations now. Nothing of sort happens nowadays. Now loook at the risk of bringing PF back, all this will disappear

  4. Kikikikiki. Small time thieving Commanders from stations. Big time criminals in government selling huge portions of land to foreigners, selling mines and ZCCM-IH holdings 20% to foreigners, corruption which is filthly stinking due to Law Enforcement Agencies under the stinking arm pits of the overseer. Ubuntu ensoni.


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