Clive Kalambo writes;


The year is 2014, an ambitious me thought my life was not stitching up and with a very strong christian background, I knew the only solution was divine intervention.

One Sunday after a sinful Saturday, I decided to visit Church in the quest to cleanse my soul, but one resolve I made was to go to a modest and not a flashy church. In no time I found myself in one around Chipata compound of Lusaka.

Interestingly, as soon as I entered, the Preacher man hinted to my surprise, about a few things only known to myself then. In their known fashion of antiques, the Papa told me to stand up and asked me why I decided to join the Police services after successfully pursuing university. I was left shocked, because he said the truth, but this coming from a man I had never met in life was astonishing.

In my mind, I had found a spiritual leader, and also his charisma was as though the man spoke directly with God.

A few Sundays followed and before I realized, I was already a deacon. With just less than a year, I was Papa’s right hand man. I escorted him to many programs, including funerals. One day, while officiating at a burial ceremony, he asked if we could remain behind, which I agreed to because we used my car that day.

After everyone had gone, the four of us who where in my car remained, that’s the Papa, and two other gentlemen from the same church. We sat in a car for almost an hour praying, because our spiritual leader had directed that we bind the spirit of death and that the graveyard was the best place to do that. I remember at some point while praying, he walked out of the car, went and slept at a nearby grave, then came back. He then started telling all of us messages from our dead relatives, surprisingly he knew them with great accuracy. He claimed God could use anyone, especially, those that had gone to the yonder worlds.

The man actually spoke my mind, revealed my plans, my career worries and ambitions, and actually predicted my career switch which came to pass just three months later.

At this point, I was convinced that I was dealing with one sent from God and like many others, I became loyal and our relationship became stronger and deep down my heart, I was convinced I had found a real church.

However, I started getting suspicious when the man repeatedly asked to be taken to the graveyard, claiming that God told him to combat death by standing at the portals of death and binding the spirits of death. I took him to about three graveyards and he would go and pray while I remained in the car. All this happened during the day, and usually on Sundays after church.

It only got more traumatizing when he asked me to take him at night. This was the most scaring moment of my life…..

Part Two


It was a rainy Sunday evening in January of 2015, when my phone rang. Unexpectedly, it was of course my new found buddy – the Papa.

He asked me if they could pick me up for prayers because he hard hinted earlier that day at church that there would be midnight prayers but I indicated I might not be available because I had work the following day. I had no choice but to tag along, after all, this is a man I ran to for financial pressures and other pressing issues.

So on the call, he registered his confidence in me and that God was showing him that I was ready to be used to liberate his people. I did not hesitate to prepare, and in no time I was clad in my black trouser and shirt as instructed. In fact, he mentioned that the attire was significant for the event, and just like he gave instructions for attire during some special church event, I couldn’t suspect this one either.

At around 23hrs, I was picked in Brentwood drive, Lusaka. After the greetings, I realized that I knew no one from the car other than my Papa. This gave me drizzles down my spine, but I didn’t want to show it. So after driving for like 30 minutes the phone for one of the gentleman in the car rang, as of to give them a signal. Strangely enough, my papa never spoke to me in his usual comforting smile but then I thought he was in the spirit.

In no time we were at one of the graveyards, I quickly recognized it because I had brought him there a few weeks back.

At this point, I was thrilled and perplexed. I couldn’t even do anything. As we all came out of the car, I couldn’t move but stand and watch in fear. I couldn’t believe I was in the graveyard at midnight. The instructions where to come out of the car and follow without talking until the next instructions where given.

I watched the three gentleman walk into the graveyard till I had no sight of them. At this point I ran back to the car and locked myself up. A few minutes later, I saw beams of light from another car, at this point I lowered my body so that I couldn’t be seen in the car. To my surprise, it was one of the ladies from church and her husband. Three more cars came with people I couldn’t recognize and they all followed the same path.

After two hours or so, I saw them come out following the papa in a single file. It was as though they where robots. They walked cautiously without talking and each walked back to their car. The three gentleman came back in the car and started off without talking to me.

In no time, I was dropped home and off they went without saying anything. A few minutes later my Papa called saying I needed to follow him because I didn’t follow instructions at the graveyard and whatever happened might cause the spirits of dead people to start following me. He insisted I follow him so that he tells me how to pray about it, thrilled and scared as I was, I had no option but to go to his place with my car.

After reaching there, it was around 4 O’clock morning. I could not believe what I saw…….

✍️ (Watch out for part three)



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