The loot is haunting the PF, they can’t hide it anymore – Fr Luonde NDC Party National Chairperson
NDC national chairperson Richard Luonde has charged that because of their preoccupation with stealing, PF leaders do not read history.
Fr Luonde, in a statement, said if President Edgar Lungu and team had read about the struggles Dr Kenneth Kaunda and his colleagues went through, they would not have plundered the wealth of “our country without any fear”.
“All this struggle our forefathers came out and fought for is now being diluted and slowly evaporating. The reason is that most of those in leadership today have no clue about what KK and his comrades struggled for,” he said. “They have not read the history of their struggle or have simply ignored it because thieves do not read, they just plan how they are going to steal; this is why they are caught in their tracks.”
Luonde compared the current government to that of colonialists.
“When you hear today Zambians mourning and lamenting that colonialists were better than the current conditions we are in today, it is not that they want colonialists to come back, no. They are simply saying that there is no difference between them and the current government. Independence in poverty is not different from colonialism,” he said. “And then some idiot wants us to keep quiet and sit in the terraces while they destroy our beloved nation! Mubepelefye ba kazolo, te Zambia yenu mweka (You are deceiving yourselves, you thieves. Zambia is not yours alone). Dr Kenneth Kaunda, our first Republican president and his friends coming from every tribe and corners of Zambia sacrificed for the freedom of our great nation.”
He said the founding fathers soldiered on for they knew and believed in what their struggle was for.
“Whether they were to achieve it or not they would have set the motion for the struggle and others would have completed it,” Fr Luonde said. “Let’s briefly refer to comrade Nelson Mandela. He too and his other comrades embarked on the same journey in apartheid South Africa to bring freedom to their country. He ended up spending 27 years in prison, so were many of his comrades.
A clear show that those who struggle for the truth achieve it in the end no matter how much they suffer, get insulted, humiliated, imprisoned and ridiculed, in the end they achieve.”
And Fr Luonde gave accolades to Dr Kaunda, saying “they never looked at themselves but our future”.
“And now those in PF have come with all their poverty of the mind, spirit and soul, to take away every little thing that ever remained in this country. And the loot is haunting them, so they can’t hide it anymore. Instead, they start throwing it around like rotten tomatoes,” said Fr Luonde. “Dr Kaunda and his comrades never just looked at the present (their time) but at the future of not just their families but of the nation and those to live after them, hence their struggle. That is how leaders are supposed to be, not these criminals we have masquerading as leaders. PF are thieves to the core, and whoever is aggrieved can hang themselves
Source The Mast