Sinkamba Peter

The first monarchs of the Luyi people, who were the ancestors of the Lozi peoples present today in Barotseland, were women who led the Luyi when they first arrived on the Bulozi flood plain after a staged migration from the Lunda-Luba empire of the Katanga region in present day Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The earliest known of these queens is remembered by the name of Mwambwa who bore a daughter called Mbuyu-wa-mwambwa. This means ‘Mbuyu of Mwambwa’ shortened to Mbuwamwambwa.

It is from these two queens under whose leadership the Luyi are said to have settled in Kalabo district that the line of kingship evident up to today can be traced.

During the reign of Mbuyu, one of her sons, Mboo was selected to be the first male monarch and from that time forwards, only males have occupied the Kingship.

The dates of the reigns of the various kings are vague up to the time of Lewanika.

Here is a list of Litungas and other senior royal positions in chronological order starting with the first.

1. Mboo – also: Muyunda Mwanasilundu – Son to Mbuywamwambwa – Mboo may have been a nickname added after his overdue birth (Mwanasilundu – literally a child who came late).

2. Inyambo – older brother to Mboo; son to Mbuywamwambwa.

3. Yeta I – son to Mwambwa; uncle to Mboo and Inyambo; brother to Mbuywamwambwa.

4. Ngalama – nephew to Yeta I; son to Prince Ingalamwa, said to have been adopted by Litunga Inyambo.

5. Yeta Nalute – son to Ngalama.
Ngombala – son to Ngalama.

6. Yubya – grandson to Ngombala, son to Prince Mbanga, Mulena wa Nalolo.

7. Mwanawina I – brother to Yubya; son to Prince Mbanga, Mulena wa Nalolo.

8. Mwananyanda – son to Mwanawina I

9. Mulambwa – known to Livingstone as Santulu – son to Mwanawina I: c1780-c1830 – dates uncertain.

10. Silumulume – son to Mulambwa – ruler of the north – Namuso: dates uncertain.

11. Mubukwanu – son to Mulambwa – ruler of the south – Lwambi: possibly 1830-1838, much of this rule in exile.

Then the Makololo (Kololos) took over and ruled from 1830 to 1864.

12. Sebetwane: 1839 till his death on 7th July 1851.

13. Mamochisane – daughter to Sebetwane: 1851-2.

14. Sekeletu – son to Sebetwane 1852-1864.

15. Mamili – possibly uncle to Sekeletu; possibly brother to Sebetwane: 1863.

16. Mbololo – brother to Sebetwane 1864-1864.

17. Sipopa – son to Sibeso, grandson to Mulambwa – (formerly Lutangu): 1864-1876

18. Mowa Mamili (Regent): 1876

19. Mwanawina II – son to Mubukwanu: 1876-1878

20. Lubosi – grandson to Mulambwa; son to Prince Litia: (first period of rule) 1878-1884

21. Tatila Akufuna – son to Prince Imbua, grandson to Mulambwa: 1884-1885

22. Lubosi (second period of rule) – became known as Lewanika ‘the uniter’: 1885-1916

23. Litia – became Yeta III – son to Lewanika: 1916-1945 (June)

24. Imwiko – son to Lewanika 1945-1948 (June)

25. Mwanawina III – son to Lewanika: 1948-1968

26. Mbikusita – son to Lewanika: 1968 (15th Dec)-1977

27. Ilute – also known as Yeta IV – son to Yeta III: 1977-2000

28. Lubosi Imwiko II – son to Imwiko I: 2000 (October) – presently (in April 2024) still reigning.

Apart from the Sebitwane raiders (1830-1864), the rest are cousins to Mwene Lubemba.

The reunification of the Lozi and Bemba cousins that was proclaimed last weekend in Mongu has strong historical origins. Let all well-meaning Zambians embrace it wholeheartedly.


    • It’s absolutely unnecessary consultation or not. Every leader is called to be creative &there’s literally nothing wrong &/or needing referendum here. You are not mandate, anyway, as traditional cousinships ain’t enshrined in the supreme law of the land..

  1. The evolution of traditional cousinship is a complicated involves not just a shared history, çultural similarities ( art, mannerisms, dress codes, traditions etc) etc, but also a seamless interaction, assimilation into either tribe.
    I do support the call for more unity between the Lozi and the Bemba speaking people
    …it’s important for çultural exchanges to be enhanced between the two peoples to reduce areas of misunderstanding, and with time this can develop into a fully fledged cousin ship.
    The Lozis have the Tongas as their traditional cousins, though the Tongas have of late been ‘ flirting’ with the Lundas who as far as I know are Luvale’s Cousins.
    The Bembas have the Ngoni and other easterners including Tumbukas, Nsengas, Chewas etc..a cousin ship spanning generations.
    I do understand what the traditional leaders for the two tribes want…more unity among different tribes, which is a positive thing.. and which should be supported. A happy Sunday to the Lozis and Bembas, and all the others making up our 73 tribes , many of which are descendants of the Luba – Lunda Kingdom .

    • See, even the existing traditional cousinships, it’s not everyone that ascribes to them. It is fine for you not to embrace it& it’s not illegal when you choose not to.

      Haven’t you head of serious fight, particularly, during funerals, all because of Cimbuya pa malilo goes wrong?!

      This is initiative &creativity by the two traditional leaders& in their reasoning, it’ll have an impact on the general lives of the two peoples.
      But again, remain at peace, you don’t need to like this latest initiative &obviously non of the two Kings owe you an apology, let alone explanation

  2. I have just liked our names mentioned in that lineage.But generally speaking,through the Kaunda pronouncement of One Zambia one nation ,man north man south man east man west same,we all stand to be cousins.We are all cousins of each other.No exploitation of man by man.Let us have love for each other as Zambians.Not what was happening a few years ago,where other people were regarded as outcasts.No constitutional pronouncement is needed in this scenario.Nsengas and Chewas are also cousins of the Makomakomas and Mambukushu.

  3. Why did we allow PF especially under to divide us? Its only this tribe to rule Zambia? Why were you quiet the time of PF? You were a beneficially of the tribal divide PF was promoting. To just keep quiet.
    Check the people opposing HH now?

  4. Good record of lineage on our Lozi Kingdom, but my question which requires linkage details is at what point or parent (ancestrial parents) lineage does Mwine Lubemba touch the Lozi lineag?
    Unity is extremely important and progressive, i thankyou our great Kings for that effort. To GOD be the glory


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