By Chanoda Ngwira

Generally, giving a response to rantings and  desperate statements from Dr. Nevers Mumba is basically a disservice to this country as well an open cheque of credence to his character. However, keeping quiet also may make the man have his not so well founded ego get some sort of importance.

Dr. Nevers Mumba in my opinion can be equated to that artificial bell used in rural Schools and churches that is tied to a tree; where they use a metal bar and a wire. I mean, despite it producing some unpleasant, disturbing and uncoordinated sound, it atleast plays a role of reminding Teachers, pupils and parents what time it is..

“Pastor” Nevers Mumba’s  most enemy has been his mouth, Unfortunately he doesn’t realise that, I mean the man’s uncontrolled appetite to open his mouth landed him into an instant dismissal as Vice President of Zambia under the reign of the late Levy Patrick Mwanawasa(MHSRIEP). We thought that could have been a lesson enough for him to introspectiously decide to reform.

Unfortunately, he has continued with his behavior of allowing his mouth to abuse him. The only difference with now is that whenever his mouth is opened, depsite it producing not so good sound, disturbing in the ears, it however informs people what time it is. That is better, atleast there some guidance regards what time it is whenever this man says anything.

Dr. Mumba, a qualified individual regards patronising with sitting Heads of state, is a good alarm and reminder for the people to know what time it is whenever he opens his mouth. I mean whenever he vomits his so dishonest statements, Zambians are reminded that time to pay bills and to refill the stomach has come.

Unfortunately, my question rises, does this happen mostly when he is obviously eating/chewing or about to finish eating/chewing? I have no qualms regards what happens when his mouth is open, my problem is his forgetfulness of the well structured table manners.

I mean, a man of his status, that is if at all Zambians still hold him in that high esteem, must know that talking while chewing is very bad manners because obviously chewing and talking are never and will never directly be proportional to each other and the obvious is obvious. Table manners are supposed to be respected everytime one is having a meal especially when other people are there.

Under normal circumstances, people would start leaving the table where there is a person who talks while chewing, and obviously this is for obvious reasons.

I will Unfortunately not go away, I feel Dr. Nevers Mumba ought to be taught or reminded of good table manners especially where chewing and talking at the same time is concerned.  I want to remind the good Doctor that at times, the best is to silently enjoy the food despite how the good food has found itself before you. Talking while eating will definitely attract some sort of reactions and depending on individuals, reactions may vary.

To make sense out of this nosense. I want to advise the good Doctor that unlike him, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is an accomplished Lawyer, former party CEO, former Member of Parliament, former Deputy Minister, former Minister and lastly 6th and incoming 8th Republican President of Zambia.  This entails that if he had a bit of of some table etiquette, Dr. Mumba could have atleast minded more about his eating than adding talking to it because that is very and I mean very bad manners…

Let “Pastor” Nevers Mumba respect Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu because even id he was really going to end like FTJ and RB, the man has achieved a lot to his name unlike the “‘Pastor”, who has basically become sort of an uncomfortable voice for failures like the UPND regime.

(Chanoda Ngwira is a Public Administrator, Teacher, Former Trade Unionist, Politician, Public Speaker, Writer and Political Commentator.  For private engagements, email;


  1. You’re just a useless and desperate demon as you will soon get confused and frustrated to see your headless chicken, Edger Lungu permanently barred from standing


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