As we continue to endure the ongoing load shedding crisis , it is evident that the UPND government has no clear plans or solutions for the Zambians. This government has lamentably  failed to protect the interests of it’s citizens especially those in the informal sector, agricultural sector, small businesses and the huge businesses. While we are alive to the drought situation obtaining which has exacerbated our power shortage, it is completely unacceptable and disheartening to see the lack of any proactive measures from those in power to alleviate the suffering of our people.  This government simply does not care. This government has no clue as to solve problems.

While it is clear that small and big businesses are struggling to keep up with their production targets , the UPND government wants to pretend that all is well. That businesses must continue to be taxed and ZRA must meet its tax collection targets.This kind of thinking is not only unrealistic, but is also unkind, irresponsible and  uncaring.

At household level the situation is even worse. Imagine a house of a husband, wife and four children living in a home with only one toilet and one bathroom. No electricity means the water supply is erratic and unsustainable. What levels of hygiene is this government subjecting our people to? This is a danger to our people’s health not to mention the  inconvenience and embarrassment in case of visitors . The threat to our livelihoods can not be over emphasised.

If the children need to go to school and the parents need to go to work, how does such a family get by ? The UPND government is totally out of touch with reality and the suffering of our people.

As for the general economy  it is not possible for our economy to grow as small and big businesses are now at the mercy of Zesco while the UPND government watches hopelessly without a plan or solution in mind.

Fellow Zambians, in times of a crisis, a responsible government should be at the forefront if finding solutions. A responsible and caring government should be addressing it’s people and keeping them informed of what it is doing. 

Unfortunately, this has not been the case. The UPND government is totally oblivious and clueless. Yet, we have a President who is an economist.

Zambia Must Prosper(ZMP) calls on the government to  talk to our people. This President was very quick to talk about anything and everything he saw as wrong when he was in the opposition. What has happened now? Our people need to be comforted and given a clear road map on government’s plans to end this LOADSHEDDING crisis.

Our people must be given hope and not neglected. Access to electricity is not a luxury; it is a basic right that our people need at household level and at business level for our nation to be productive and ensure economic growth.

ZMP believes in a Zambia where every citizen has an opportunity to thrive and ensure that one prospers. Like we keep saying: WHEN ZAMBIANS PROSPER, ZAMBIA PROSPERS.



  1. I concur with the writer in relation to government’s inertia in dealing with the electricity crisis.

    All the solutions being talked about are for the future. Good as this may be , the question is how do people live now, before the future comes?

  2. Climate change is called a disaster for a very good reason. No one anticipated and subsequently prepared for it. Despite our abundant sunshine, previous regimes focused on hydro generated power sources. KBF was part of the previous misleadership so he shouldn’t get too cocky as this simply means he bears significant responsibility in the current crisis. Without strong and visionary leadership, diversifying dependence of power generation from water to solar or any other source takes years.

    What have YOU yourself KBF done to avert this crisis? Any fool can with 20 / 20 hindsight criticise, but let’s not forget that natural disasters do not cherry pick who to take down. KBF should in all fairness be offering solutions, not apportioning blame. This calibre of misleader thrives on negative issues to try and make a name for themselves. Please try being positive and instead offer solutions. You are more likely to gain a following as a problem solver than as an armchair critic.

  3. Mr KBF, the drought situation we are in is horrible and we have learnt a lot.The blame game is neither here nor there.What matters now are solutions or mitigations.It is time to offer such solutions to government either in form of material, monetary and ideas and even physical and so on.Blaming HH doesn’t make sense at all.Those who want to take that route are just arm chair critics who have failed to render any support in times of trouble.For lack of better expression they are just sadists.The country has no capacity to subsidize on any thing currently.Your responsibility you are trying to show now must have been done when some people were looting resources of the country.Some people were just fighting for portfolios and didn’t care about the plundering that was taking place but they were aware.

  4. The kind of leaders we have in the opposition political parties are just good at complaining and blaming the new dawn government. The issue of erratic supply of power /electricity is not a challenge that the government created but has come about because of natural disaster of drought. To start blaming the government that it has no heart for its citizens and has completely failed is reasoning coming from unwise person.

    The government has put up both short-term and long-term measures to address challenges of power in the country. The government is promoting the use of alternative sources of power such as solar power. Similarly, to alleviate the effects of drought and hunger in the affected areas the government is providing Cash for Work Programmes to assist the poor with money. Although it is not adequate but to some extent it will help the poor to buy food and other basic essentials to support their livelihoods. The government equally, has strengthened social safety net programmes such social cash programmes and issuing of farm inputs to the poor.

    In addition, the government through CDF is offering Grants and Loans to people. If these initiatives are well applied and utilised they would transform the livelihoods of the people. Our people also need to have a positive mindset change to use these opportunities prudently.

    Opposition political parties should offer proposed solutions than every time criticising the government. When the UPND government was in opposition their criticism to the other political parties was done by providing possible solutions by stating what they could have done to address challenges at that time. Truly, that is exactly what the new dawn government is doing by putting the interests of the people first.

    It is foolishness for KBF to allege that the government has totally failed, such foolishness reasoning is exposing his ignorance and hallucinations.


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