They ask our sisters to sleep with them to be considered for CDF opportunities- Ndola Mayor Jones Kalyati

Ndola Mayor Jones Kalyati

Ndola Mayor, Jones Kalyati writes:

So far in most Constituencies it’s kafwafwa .
1.They ask our sisters to sleep with them to be considered for opportunities.

2.They Charge you to access Loans (Eg one is asked to pay up to 30 pin just to be given 100pin mean while it’s a loan so ur expected to pay back the 100 with interest.

3.They give only those they know .
4.Their relatives are the most qualified

5.They have even given to their Children .
6.They have sponsored their children for skills at the expense of the vulnerable.

7.They have given loans to people who are not even paying back.

8.They given one person everything eg one person is given a grant ,a loan his child a bursary and he gets a contract.
9.They behave like it’s there money.

10. Therefore I will ask My President Dr Hakainde Hichilema to deal with them .
Am just but a Whistleblower .
So Help Me God!


  1. Why not report to relevant authorities and not just on social media. You’re a responsible officer and therefore need to be bold enough to report such things which even sounds over exaggerated. Surely a civic leader with such an attitude, awe sure we’re finished.

  2. You have rightly put it, they ask her and it’s up to her to accept or refuse. Otherwise there is no force there, every man who loves a woman will first ask her and I am sure you do the same at other people’s sisters. Leave your sister for others, there are no politics or tribe in love affairs.

  3. To be honest all these wrong things are now considered to be normal in our country. There’s nothing strange because we have adopted iniquitous behaviour and we’re not even ashamed to deplore degeneracy. Cry our beloved country.

  4. You are a Mayor, a leading counsellor holding such an influential position and all you can do is write on social media? Have considered resigning? If you haven’t then stop wasting time writing on social media. You can’t lead! You’re being paid to do nothing. So you expect the president to come and lead you? You’re a joke.

  5. When we suggested that CDF be managed through the Banking system, this is the fear we had!
    No Objectivity!
    It’s corruption and more corruption!
    Sadly the president does not have EARS!
    Many will go to Jail because of CDF!
    Increasing CDF will not solve anything!
    It will only enrich a few corrupt individuals!
    The same way we Zambians are demanding explanations on how Eurobond moneys were spent, it’s high time we demand Audit reports from 2022 to date so that we have an idea of how much stealing is going on!
    Ba opposition and Independent MPs, this is what you should be doing!
    Just do it without raising emotions!
    The truth always comes out!
    We need Fairness and Accountability!
    Let’s expose all of the wrong doers!

  6. The money has been taken away from the big thieves in Lusaka to the big thieves all over the country. Question: Does ACC carry out covert operations? Or dothe officers just wait for reports in their offices? Talk of qualified or successful applicants being asked to pay huge amounts by people in the Human Resources departments before they are given jobs are abound. In civilised countries a number of these corrupt human resources personnel would have been rotting in jail by now. PF and UPND “the same difference”.


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