The current ongoing situation in the Country is extremely very worrying! Our leaders seem to be lost. Honestly they have run out of ideas.
Things are getting worse. We are headed for a calamitous future. The Administration of President Hakainde Hichilema is not inspiring at all! We have no hope of regaining the economic stature favorable for human survival.

Local businesses are in a mess. The Government has prioritized foreign businesses at the expense of its own people. The entire Lusaka Town Centre for instance is now paralyzed completely. The former busy trading centre is now a white elephant. Traders simply go for sunbathing while others spend time playing games like draft. Indians, Lebanese, Chinese and Tanzanians have automatically taken over the supply of hardware’s.

These people are allowed trading as wholesalers and retailers at the same time. They order cheap building materials from China while our local traders order expensive and durable building materials from South Africa. It is shocking that even the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) employees are seen buying cheap building materials from places like West Gate without demanding for receipts. These foreign nationals are reaping our monies with impunity without remitting any tax to the Government.

The same situation is taking place across the Country. The Mines have been taken over by foreign nationals who are exploiting our precious minerals without paying any tax incentives. The Chinese have built big shops in almost all districts of our Country suffocating local traders. One wonders about the relevance of some Government Ministries like Ministry of Small Scale and Medium Enterprises, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Youths, the CEEC, ZDA and several other Institutions..

Our people have become destitute and vagabonds (homeless) in their own Country while foreigners are allowed devouring our natural resources. Block moulding, Chicken rearing, Mushroom production, Supply of goods, Mining, Timber trading and Construction businesses are usurped by foreign nationals under our watch.

The President and his Administration are busy cutting deals at Community House and are holding big events at State House and other lucrative venues simply to discuss how to reap our Country!

We need to begin mobilizing now so that we can reclaim for our national cake. This is the time to demand for what belongs to us! The Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles (MPNVP) will not remain quiet and stand akimble while some unpatriotic trends keep taking place.


  1. The man seem to be confused and does not seem to understand what he is talking about. He says government policies seem to favor foreigners at the expense of locals but he has not named even one of these policies. He says foreigners buy cheap Chinese goods while Zambians buy expensive “durable” goods, the question is who is stopping Zambian traders from buying cheap Chinese made goods so that they can have good sales? He also claims that mines are owned by foreigners, who has stopped Zambians from owning mines? Does he want the government to hold hands of Zambians to own businesses? Yes things may be hard but what he is proposing is contradicting what he wants to achieve. For instance, if the government bans foreigners selling cheaper goods, won’t that automatically mean that Zambians will now be forced to buy expensive goods from exploitative Zambians? It’s common knowledge that most Zambian business people (no all of course) like to have abnormal profits compared to foreigners who just want to make just appropriate profit and it is possible the Zambian traders buy the goods from the same China but they want abnormal profits, simple.

  2. Ba MPNVP, you better engage the Permanent Secretaries in the ministries concerned.You seem to know who to ask but you haven’t.These complaints are old even at the time of Mr Sata we were hearing issues like these.Mr Sata used some of these to remove MMD of Mr RB.Chinese keeping chickens, Turkey businesses of making bricks e.t.c.Now UPND has asked the youth to make cooperatives and even older people so maybe consult the ministry of Small Scale and Medium Enterprises on this.ZRA has been asking people to demand for receipts when they purchase goods from these shops.And ZRA launched some internet APP recently to help in collection of tax and solve some challenges businesses face.So you better approach ZRA for details.Now you MPNVP my advice to you is be very careful with your language.Dont try to perpetrate anarchy by talking about uprise.You know too well what PF government did to this economy of Zambia and you decided to keep quite today you come with allegations against government and President HH.You say deals are being cut at Community House and other places like lucrative venues to reap.When you are arrested for your allegations you cry saying you are being persecuted.This is serious, your friend Nakachinda has been given 18 months with hard labour for almost similar accusations of President.You may be arrested too.Who are you trying to please.Your family may suffer when you are caged,tame your mouth my dear or else you suffer and your sponsors if any remain enjoying in the comfort of their homes.Your ka video is very clear so Iam sure you may be called to help to shade more light on your talk.


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