Three-hour power supply is now being implemented on a rotational basis in groups- ZESCO



Lusaka, 11 September 2024

In the power supply update of 1st September 2024, ZESCO had communicated that its residential customers would be receiving up to three hours of power, daily, on a rotational basis.

However, the Corporation acknowledges that a number of its customers, mostly in Lusaka, have experienced prolonged power outages in the last few days.

This is deeply regretted.

As of this morning, the three-hour supply of power is being implemented on a rotational basis in groups.


Reduced Power Import Flows from Mozambique: ZESCO has experienced reduced inflow of scheduled power imports from Mozambique, due to annual maintenance works on generating units being undertaken by the country’s utility Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM).

Arising from this, the Corporation is receiving an average of 100MW of the scheduled 140MW.

Maamba Collieries Annual Plant Maintenance:

The phased maintenance works of the 300MW thermal plant are ongoing and scheduled to complete at the end of September 2024.

As at 10 September 2024, works on the first generator were
complete, while the second generator is scheduled for maintenance from 16th to 30th September 2024.

During each phase of the maintenance works, 150MW is unavailable on the national grid.

Reduced Power Generation at Kariba Complex

ZESCO has substantially reduced power generation at the Kariba Complex due to further reduced water levels.


Alternative Power Supply:

A total of 23 diesel generators are being installed in markets, to support business continuity for traders during periods of power rationing.

The first four generators will be operational from Friday 13th September 2024.

These generators will collectively provide some grid relief.

Prioritisation of Power Supply to Essential Services:

ZESCO will continue to prioritise provision of power supply to essential services such as hospitals, water supply stations, security and emergency services.

ZESCO recognizes the challenges faced by its customers and continues to pursue several other mitigating measures to cushion the impact of this drought induced power deficit which has reached a very challenging phase.

The Corporation sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused and thanks its customers for their patience, cooperation, and support.

Issued By
ZESCO Limited


  1. How true is the statement relating to having power for 3 hours per day?

    Some parts of Lusaka, particularly Chalala, are experiencing load shedding of 20-24 hours per day.


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