TREAT CRIMINALS EQUALLY…Mr President, you preach about hard work but if your people are using shortcuts what example are we going to learn from your team – Sikaile Sikaile


…Mr President, you preach about hard work but if your people are using shortcuts what example are we going to learn from your team – Sikaile

By Larry Moonze (The Mast)

WHEN there is a red flag let those involved be out where they are supposed to be, Sikaile Sikaile has told President Hakainde Hichilema.

He says the ongoing news of corruption is a sad development and a draining experience for those of “us who trust your leadership, sir”.

“You are one of the luckiest presidents Zambia has ever had because you have the opportunity to run this country without much stress by gathering the right and honest characters. I do not want to be among those who lie to you, telling you that something is right when it is wrong. If you want to leave a good name behind treat criminals equally and let all criminals in both the past and current government be prosecuted accordingly,” Sikaile urged President Hichilema. “As long as you are not clearly seen doing your part in the fight against corruption, you will make the work of the ACC difficult and even risk the lives of junior officers at the ACC who are trying to go after ministers. When you relieve people who are being investigated, you are also protecting ACC officers and giving them more energy to fight this syndicate.”

He said the fight against corruption should be conducted without any form of favouritism.

“Your Excellency, I would like to make an earnest appeal to you, through the powers vested in you by the republican Constitution of Zambia to fire or suspend all ministers and government officials who are under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). Mr President, you and I, as well as the majority of citizens who trusted your leadership criticised the Edgar Lungu-led corrupt administration for keeping government officials such as the minister of health Chitalu Chilufya and other ministers like Ronald Chitotela in office despite their court appearances on corruption allegations. We argued that a criminal cannot investigate itself, and we were absolutely right,” he said in a statement. “It is shocking to see revelations from the ACC that they are investigating some ministers and government officials under your government yet we have neither heard nor seen you fire or suspend any of those marked for investigation. Mr President, the fight against corruption will be rendered unfruitful if you don’t treat all criminals equally. As you fight past criminals, deal also with emerging criminals undermining your administration with the same measures. This is what our Constitution suggests. If you don’t act or go silent on your team members found wanting, know that your legacy will be dented.”

Sikaile said president Levy Mwanawasa dealt with all criminals, “including the person (Frederick Chiluba) who gave him the presidential ticket”.

“This is how things ought to be in a properly functioning society. Corruption is robbing our nation of greater opportunities. Corruption has killed millions of our people in hospitals who cannot afford quality medical coverage, yet some criminals are diverting drugs meant for our citizens. Corruption has denied children from poor backgrounds quality education. Corruption in Zambia has denied ordinary citizens a decent life. You are the man in whom some of us built our hope to address this cancer and enemy of progress in our nation,” Sikaile said. “May I remind you, Mr President, that nobody, absolutely nobody, will develop Zambia apart from us Zambians. Therefore, our attitude towards national matters must be transformed starting with our leaders and extending to every citizen. Leaders need to exemplify good morals and a sense of responsibility. Without a serious commitment to fighting corruption your efforts to attract investors from around the world will be in vain as no investment can truly benefit citizens in a corrupt society.”

Sikaile said a lack of integrity among leaders will prompt some investors to exploit the nation’s natural resources.

“It is essential that we, especially our leaders, set the standard of integrity in our offices to safeguard our country’s future. I do not want to be among those who lie to you, telling you that something is right when it is wrong. Many leaders in Zambia and across Africa have been misled by their advisors who keep lying to them until they fall into a ditch. This happened to your predecessor, Mr Edgar Lungu. When we urged him to open his eyes, his handlers dismissed us as bitter and frustrated. On judgment day, our concerns were vindicated,” he said. “You are one of the luckiest presidents Zambia has ever had because you have the opportunity to run this country without much stress by gathering the right and honest characters. Don’t rely too much on recycled politicians. They will destroy you. Some individuals have been in the UNIP, MMD, PF, and now UPND government, yet when asked to show their contributions to the country they have nothing significant to present.

They are there to benefit themselves, not to develop Zambia. Even in their personal businesses they have failed, which is why they jump from one political party to another. After you leave office, you will see how quickly they will abandon you.”

Sikaile stressed that when there is a red flag, those involved must be out where they are supposed to be.

“For example, when the former minister of foreign affairs [Stanley] Kakubo, was red-flagged in the famous calendar incident, no proper investigation was conducted by your government. We saw his terrible end, which brought shame and embarrassment to your name, Your Excellency, especially after you assured us that you would appoint people to fill these positions on merit. In case those who report to you are not telling you all the happenings across the country, a lot is going on, Mr President. It is just that ordinary citizens who voted for you have no direct access to you to air their grievances,” Sikaile said further. “Pay attention to ordinary citizens on the ground, and you will get the truth that will help you make progressive decisions for our nation. What was wrong under PF should be treated as wrong under the UPND government. This is the only way we can build a better Zambia that future generations will be happy with. As stated in the ACC quarterly media briefing and from [former director general] Tom Shamakamba’s early days, they have been saying this, but who have they arrested or cautioned?”

Sikaile said he hates corruption because every day, he genuinely fights hard to make it in life.

“You yourself, Mr President, preach about hard work, but if your own people are using shortcuts, what example are we going to learn from your team, especially us, the youth in Zambia? Let everyone make it in their lives in a clean and transparent manner. We have heard a lot about summoning and cautioning regarding corruption, but how many serious convictions has your government secured so far? Forget about the crusade that criminals are surrendering what they stole. No criminal willingly surrenders. They are just giving back an inch of what they stole from the Zambian people, and the move by the UPND government to negotiate with criminals privately has motivated some of your team members to join the criminal organisation because they have learned that there are no serious consequences even if you steal public resources,” said Sikaile. “If your government had come down hard on fighting corruption and secured proper convictions by now you wouldn’t see anybody daring to take a coin from public resources. It is not too late, Mr President. Can you rebuild citizens’ confidence in this fight, please!

I don’t charge for advice; I offer it freely and from the depths of my heart, especially to those I care about most. Ultimately, Mr President, the choice is yours – to fix the issues or let the mess continue.”


  1. Sikaile Sikaile is now thinking outside the box.More Sikailes are needed to save Zambia. Errors have no respect for party or tribe. Well done ba daala.

  2. He could be right but it may not be good to suspend a minister on rumor matters.Let the investigations happened quietly.After correct investigations and proof is available then action of firing can be effected.If you rash to suspend then you may fail reinstate upon observing that the Minister is clean.The same noise makers will not accept your observations.There are some people who just dislike some minister so they just throw some dust on them.


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