Political Analyst Mark Simuuwe


Amid extreme anxiety among UPND Parliamentary , Mayoral and / Council Chairperson aspirants , lies simple but divisive political blackmail.

While it is true that every candidate has supporters in each political race,it is also true about modern politics that when you see cadres taking to the street, hiring vehicles, even when they are jobless , then know that they are being financed.

This is one type of propaganda Adolf Hitler used . Hitler used youths a lot at his time that much of the use was meant to make him create a cosmetic perception, and he got it right.

But this is draconian politics .Politics has evolved and an intelligent modern politician would avoid a temptation of using such old tricks.

Today, youths are again turned into launching pads for would-be parliamenterians, mayors and councillors.

Unfortunately, this is done at the expense of their future.

From whatever angle one looks at it, youths cannot accept to push an agenda of a politician without money ,and this is a notorious fact.

As many UPND aspirants are losing patience and reading different fake news on social media ,here is what some candidates and later on PF would take advantage of in order to blackmail their opponents;

1.PF erecting their chitenge materials in some constituencies to suggest that if a particular strong candidate is adopted, then UPND will lose elections, when in essence, they are trying to avoid a particular candidate;

2.Give phone numbers, money for talk time and alcohol to cadres so as to start calling senior party officials on suspicion that some disagreed upon candidates may be adopted;

3.Creating fake political tension in areas where aspirants are waiting for administrative decisions;

4.Posting fake news on obvious adopted candidates in order to offend and further weaken some already weak souls;

5.Creating an environment of hostility, panic and political myopia among uncultured political pandits;

6.Threatening defections if their preferred candidates are not adopted;

7.Sowing a seed of discord to unsettle competitors so as to paint the UPND leadership black;and

8.Attempts to arm-twist decision makers using old tactics of sponsored terrorism.

All this is old politics.It does not work in modern politics.

But here is what you ought to know:

1.A villager cannot leave the field , buy airtime and look for the right decision makers in the adoption process and begin calling them ;

2.Youths know exactly what time to eat in politics such that some politicians are too slow to understand the political gimmick;and

3.That such lies are short-lived and die immediately adopted candidates’ names are known;

4.Belonging to a political party must be driven by one’s belief in a political party’s ideologies than emotions; and

5.That belonging to a political party of your choice is a right and people are free to do so , not because their candidate is not adopted but that they believe in a political party’s agenda for the nation.

The notorous truth is that all of us ought to know is that there is only one person who goes through at any given moment in all political parties.

Whether people insult, fight, scream, only one person stands out in each given space.

Mark Simuuwe
*Lecturer* / *Political* *Philosopher* *and* *Law* *analyst* .


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