

UNITED Party for National Development UPND cadres attempted to @bduct former Lusaka Province Minister Hon Bowman Lusambo from the Kabwe Magistrate’s Court complex earlier today.

Hon Lusambo who is also former Kabushi Constituency Member of Parliament was appearing in court today in a matter he is accused of conducting an unlawful assembly when he recently stopped to buy ice cream at Hungry lion in Kabwe CBD and was thronged by jubilant Kabwe residents.

The UPND thug$ loaded in a Silver Quantum bus registration number CAC 17, three Toyota Mark X vehicles one white in color and two in black and silver came and camped outside the court waiting for Hon Lusambo to come out be taken.

The former Kabushi Lawmaker says he was only saved from the near abduct!on by officers from the office of the president who led him out of the court premises and asked him to head towards the northern direction.

He says the OP officers told that the UPND thùg$ would only leave him if he were to head in the Copperbelt direction but even after taking hid to their advise, the UPND thug$ continued to give chase until he decided to go and park at the police command in Kabwe were the officers confirmed to him that they were aware of the UPND abduct0rs pursuing him.

But Hon Lusambo wondered why dispite knowing that the UPND thug$ were after him with intentions of h@rming him the police chose to do nothing and allowed them to continue chasing and following him around.

Hon Lusambo was reliably informed that the UPND cadres were set on him by Central Province Permanent Secretary Milner Mwanakampwe who is notorious for insult!ng a Radio Caller when he appeared on an interview not long ago.

The UPND thugs who even followed him at the police command were claiming that Hon Lusambo was planning to conduct a procession and address Kabwe residents when in fact not.

The thug$ were seen physically harrasing Mr Lusambo while hauling insult$ at him in the full glare of the Police command in Kabwe.


  1. You not important any more. No one can follow you …even ba lunshi can no longer ask for pocket change from you…forget it you are gone…down and soon to be out.


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