UPND govt seem to be creating a pattern that “hate speech” is only committed against the Tonga speaking people- Edgar Lungu


Edgar Lungu wrote;

….The UPND government seem to be creating a pattern that “hate speech” is only committed against the Tonga speaking people while other tribes have never suffered similar injuries….

My Fellow Citizens,

This morning, I have been reminded of Jackson Chama, a young Zambian who is serving one year imprisonment sentence in Kalomo prison since February 2024 for “hate speech” against the Tonga people. The offense was allegedly committed in Lusaka but the complainant emerged in Kalomo, Southern Province.

You all know the story of “Why me”, another young man who is equally in police custody in Livingstone now for allegedly “hate speech” against the Tonga people. The alleged offense was committed in Lusaka but again the complainant emerged from Southern Province. Hence, he is being held there without police bond or trial since last month.

The famous prison sentence of our own Dr. Chishimba Kambwili of PF is public information. The offense is the same-“hate speech” against the Tonga people. Such examples today are too many. As a lawyer, former President, politician and law abiding citizen, l want to put it on record that I do not approve any form of “hate speech” against any person, tribe, region or group of people anywhere.

But this is my observation concerning the aforementioned. The UPND government seem to be creating a pattern that “hate speech” is only committed against the Tonga speaking people while other tribes have never suffered similar injuries. What we are witnessing today is retrogressive regionalism that undermines “One Zambia, One Nation”.

By tolerating this ethnic injustice, President Hakainde Hichilema is sowing a bad seed that may germinate into tribal violence and regional conflict soon or later. Any responsible president in State House should know that “this targeted ethnic oppression and tribal discrimination is recipe for political trouble for Zambia in future”. We must condemn and stop it!

As a Former President and an opposition party leader, I would be guilty of a greater crime or sin if I remained silent in the face of such atrocities against our people, against our Zambian constitution. By remaining silent “you are creating a monster in President HH that will bite everyone soon or later”. As a Zambian, please, speak out against this form of divisive nationalism and political injustice.

As a civil nation and democratic society, let us defend “One Zambia, One Nation” at all cost. We are but one nation and one people!

May God Bless Zambia,

H.E. Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth Zambian President
PF President


  1. This law has just boomeranged on PF after they rushingly created it to jail their opponents.
    It the law there? Yes it is.
    So why not apply it without discrimination?
    It is, only that those caught in the web are the same people that have been fighting their fellow Zambians on tribal lines

  2. Luckily for us the evidence is recorded on broadcasts of many private radio stations. I heard it with my own ears not once or twice, but many times during the run-up to the 2016 elections. It was happening under the presidency of Edgar Lungu but nothing was being done. It’s happening under the presidency of Hakainde Hichilema also but the difference is that action is being taken when a complaint is made to the Police. The only time action was taken during the Lungu presidency was when Chishimba Kambwili faced prosecution for expressing hatred against a Chinese man.

    • Well said….it is easier to see the speck in anothers eye. Yet fail to see the log in your own eye.
      Ba Lungu is being the biggest hypocrite on this issue…as we have seen..benze ndweeee….while all manner of complaints were being made on the issue and others were raised. Manje the law is visiting some of them. And they are running to other countries when the law visits them claiming persecution and political victimisation or too ill for the court cases to proceed. No…you broke the law.
      Ba Lungu look at your own deeds in the mirror and dont think we have a short memory

  3. With great respect to our former 6th president his excellency Dr Edgar Lungu and most importantly the office itself of presidency of a sovereign country- Zambia not exceptional.

    First and foremost the office of presidency is a very honourable office be it in good times or bad times it is very honourable, this is because of how it came into being, what is involved and how to resolve issues and serve people and the nation at large – altogether. So we have to hold in high esteem such an entity; this office. I as an individual and citizen of this country hope also to see in our Presidents as individuals also to exemplify.

    Now coming to the issue, the former president of Zambia and also the 6th president of this country Edgar Changwa Lungu has brought out; this is what I feel i should also bring to his attention for answers, it’s just a normal discussion with my former leader,

    1. My view first, is that you as a person who was in this office of presidency – I am mentioning here, did you experience such happenings when you were in office? did such issues arise? or did you see anyone practising hate speech or regionalism? If so or yes, as president, did you do anything to stop it if not why?
    2. What about yourself as president then, did you practice or involve yourself in hate speech or regionalism? If not, do you think you did much in terms of stopping this bad seed spreading in our country because of it’s bad effects?
    3. But I still remember one CHISHIMBA KAMBWILI who was very open in promoting hate speech especially against the TONGA speaking people of this country, l am very alive to this and you as president of Zambia by then you were very aware of this unless otherwise but did it bother you if any? Including a one gentlemen called Kapyanga of Mpinka who openly insulted others to say they are cockroaches and are not supposed to go into your bedroom in muchinga province, I am very sure you remember this selected incidence.
    4. Last one during your term in office, did you at any time involve yourself in hate speech especially on TONGAS because I remember may be you don’t and unless otherwise, you using hate speech on HH even when you were suppose to be uniting us, was it okay with you by then as head of the house called Zambia?.

    Now your story of today.
    1. There is that man called Why me the insults he showered on the Tonga people were quiet very strong and threatening that no one can even be heard protecting such saying or individuals unless otherwise so for you that gentleman was okay and or is being treated unfairly?
    2. Your reference again to Chishimba Kambwili, this is the man whose sentiments on the Tonga speaking people was very bad for many unless otherwise to the people who are unifiers like our first president who prompted the One Zambia one Nation motto. I hear he even at one time resigned as President of Zambia when some people were pushing very hard for this bad vice, unless I am wrong since I was not there by then but history has the story and a good reminder.
    3. Do you Mr former president and the 6th president of Zambia think about certain things you did while in office especially the ones which were not good and regret about it hoping you could have done better or it’s just business as usual and you don’t reflect?
    4. Finally do you still remember how Mr Munir Zulu saying the people of bweengwa are so and so and also when he was being interviewed on MUVI TV where he openly said Zambia can not be ruled by small tribes and this is, one member in your team whom you trust like very much like Nakachinda, JJ Banda, Lusambo, Kafwaya, Why me, GBM, CHISHIMBA to mention but a few. So you are very happy and approving/defending their divisive speeches?
    5. Generally, from your write -up what really do you mean because there’s also a piece of law that you yourself and your government by then enacted but you are now complaining about the arrests of hate speech offenders, whom were you then targeting if it can’t work today to visit these wrong doers.

    Thank you

  4. One more thing I can say on this is that Edgar Lungu does not know that the UNIP government’s policy on local language broadcasting and early education languages of instruction in the 1960s has created fashionable and unfashionable tribes and languages. Edgar Lungu comes from a fashionable tribe so he does not know how it feels.

  5. The question is – you are Senga yourself and most of us are not. Why was your tribe not insulted during your reign as opposed to the Tongas. Look at the names of the people who insults or use hate speech is it by accident, coincidence or otherwise ?

    • Lamba Bull, it’s a no brainer. The people insulting are the products of the UNIP policy I have described above. That policy has resulted in some people feeling that they’re the breed apart, that is, above their fellow citizens. It’s a pity most UNIP leaders are now gone. Their policy is what has created this problem.

      • Clapping…landeni bane some people just support blindly because they are a part of exactly what you have said.

  6. Let us Name and Shame. To be fair and balanced, can anyone list all the Tonga people who have insulted other Tribes (exept Lozis, of course, these are meant to be insulted by Togas!).

    • Me do as l say, you should be last person to yap on this topic, who brought retirements in national interest and who were targeted. Me do as l say you are endangering your past remaining political stand, sharap

  7. I don’t believe this article, is the initiative of our former President,,knowing very the many, people who surround Him, and have written so many articles attributed to Him…
    But ,and emphasising so,,if really & indeed, President Lungu, has personally done so..then this is Sad…co’z ,such can never emanate from a former Leader of a nation, especially that ,it’s in public domain, HH,& Lungu ,have an established communication line,,surely before, posting such, on the social media platform, why not intimating such,to your fellow leader ,as your matter of greater concern?
    Even ,if this was not possible,,surely ba ECL, you could have used, emissaries, to reach your concerns of issues raised,to President Hichilema..
    But for you, to have to think thru’& find time,courage & begin to write such an article, is a malicious intent…I don’t understand you President, Lungu, especially when you incitingly say ,Let’s not be Silent..who re you including? The whole Nation? ore is it your PF members?please explain to us, surely, can we all, as a nation, support such? in your defence of wrong doers, people, with all intent & purpose knew ,what they were doing? Hate,speech, has been on our law books time immemorial,..No ba Lungu, this is totally wrong..unless those speech haters,were sponsored by PF,leadership, then you re on your Own,defend them alone, don’t include us,,they offended,& committed crime on their own,,not even on behalf of their tribes, no, Let them pay a price for their own doings,,
    So ECL,you should stop forthwith, dragging all of us ( as a nation) in your scheme of wrong acts,,
    And, definitely,,this article is quite in bad taste,..in future seek advice from people who mean well for You.

  8. The 6th President ECL is absolutely right and spot on…Look at the way Chama was dehumanized in Kalomo…same for “why me” in Livingstone.
    Is the so called hate speech against the Tongas unbondable…and unbailable?
    Yet the self confessed instigator and promoter of Tribal Hate Speech Cornelius Mweetwa is walking our streets everywhere a free man ..and Douglas Siakalima is a saint for hate speech against the people of Luapula Province.
    And Hakainde has been messaging tribal hate speech against other tribes in his useless public rallies….is he not the one who recently said that Tongas were being beaten for speaking the Tonga Language?? Is this not stalking Tribal Hatred against non Tongas? And this same message he is taking to the Kaondes?
    This crusade Hakainde is on is a path to disaster…We have eyes and can see. Thank you President Lungu for addressing the issue without fear.

    • Look, Lungu has been advised wrongly by you people supporting him on this issue. He seems to be subtly fuelling tribal hate speech instead of discouraging it. There’s too much evidence on both audio and video platforms where the said tribe has been vilified and without restraint from powers that be. Yet the people being vilified rarely ever utter hate speeches against the offenders. What do you people really want? Lungu is a bad leader who must never ever be anywhere near the corridors of power. He’s capable of bringing genocide in Zambia. Don’t take people for granted. Zambians hate tribalism in case you’re not aware. It’s the more reason they overwhelmingly rejected you in 2021. It seems you did not learn a lesson. The individuals your Lungu is supporting committed the hate speech crime. It’s there in public domain in black and white. Why support criminals? PF cannot change neither can they repent or rebrand or change. Zambians will reject you again come 2026. You can’t change. You’re unrepentant and irredeemable.

  9. Advice to ECL please get away from politics for the people to respect you. You are pl aying the Saint and advisor now when you failed to stop this tribal rubbish even now. You react only when one of your pf is locked up. Step back we know you are out for revenge because of the properties taken away from your family and friends. Retain some dignity have some pride sir.

  10. Well said and articulated Dr. Edgar Lungu! To put it simply, ” you reap what you sow . . “! Hichilema keeping quite about the one sided so called “hate speech” crimes against Tongas, will rebound soon! And it will be a catastrophe for Tongas! Hichilema keeping quite is creating more hatred by other tribes for Tongas! And it will be worse when the Tongas will not be in power because the police then will not be controlled with Tonga interests! So where are the Tongas going to run to. Mind you just like other tribes in power before, Tongas will not be in power one day, so that’s why it’s not good for them to trample on other tribes just because they hold the whip! In trying to show they are very powerful since they are in government, and all other tribes are nothing, Tongas have created a very big problem for themselves, which will take centuries to reverse! Tongas have created a lot of hatred for themselves from most tribes in Zambia, because of their hatred for most other tribes! So Hichilema thinks he hasn’t created a big problem in this country, he will soon regret for the rest of his life! Well articulated ba Edgar mwandi!

    • In case some of you need a reminder, HH had his own relatives who stole cattle from him sent to jail. Go on daring him. He’s aware of the fake news his enemies plant against him.

  11. An offence is committed in Lusaka, the person is taken to Kalomo , handicuffed , stripped of his shoes , forced to sit on the floor , denied bond or bail, detained for a long period, completely dehumanized, and imprisoned for one year….I doubt if these people are even being given legal aid…and for what?? Hate Speech against the Tongas.
    ‘Why me ‘ also endures the same treatment, and to date he is still in detention, without bond or bail or trial…no one knows what this young man is even eating…and for what?? Hate Speech against Tongas!
    Is Southern Province becoming the ‘ Robben Island ‘ detention center for other tribes accused of hate Speech? Which judicial process is this which takes away the accused to be tried in a place where the crime wasn’t committed?? What is happening is not right, and Tongas will have themselves to blame if there is a backlash…they are inviting hatred upon themselves.

    • It’s normally the case that the Police station that receives a complaint effects the arrest on the basis of evidence brought by the complainant. If you do not know that, I doubt it you should be a voter in Zambia. If you want to help this “Why Me” chap, visit him in prison and try to understand why he holds such a belief about Tongas.

  12. “Umwimbo loti tomonyoloti” Typical Lozi saying he who talks about wizards is wizard himself.He who likes talking about tribalism is a tribalist himself.He who talks much about hate speech is the hate speech lover.So let us use good talk to each other country men and women.Let us always debate with sober language towards each other.We are one really we just differ on opinion and beliefs.


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