By: Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya
UPND needs some shame on itself.
The people are now preoccupied with independence once more. UPND has created a situation where some people have the monopoly understanding what it means to be Zambian – it is a shame!
Growth, freedom and prosperity are no longer themes of now. There is nothing to grow from. Families are destroyed, communities are destroyed, business is destroyed. Government is destroyed – we are in desperate need of recreating foundations once again.
Sadly for us now, and them in the future, Simon Kapwepwe, Harry Nkumbula, Kenneth Kaunda and their cohorts aren’t coming back. It is up to us to summon their collective spirit of patriotism if we think of bequeathing to our young, a country better than we see today.
Could anyone of us argue about the presence of family with the amount of people living in our streets? What more with the amount of people going hungry for countless hours of the day each day? And if they are fortunate enough to place something in their bellys, then it is that poisonous nshima, possibly from genetically modified maize meal or from some containing excessive aflatoxins. We have desperately lost that vital sense of family.
Selfishness and greed have taken the space of family. There is no more sympathy and neither is there any more empathy. We need to rebuild that sense of family which we once had.
There are those who think that we still have freedom. For many of them, freedom is measured by the amount of force exerted on the opposition. Freedom to them is whipping everybody and coercing them to accept their idea of progress even when that idea makes no sense at all.
Should we take some time to view things from an objective angle; How can we accept that a Facebook post requires a police permit and we call that freedom? How can we accept that a National Assembly contribution by an elected representative can be needlessly curtailed at best and punishable at worst; and we call that freedom? How can government conveniently fail to put a law such as the Access to Information Act into operation even after having massive promotions at the highest level; but we still call that freedom?
UPND has made progress in eliminating business for our people. UPND has made progress in widening the divide between the haves and the have nots. UPND has made progress in externalizing our local resources. UPND has made progress in dividing the nation. UPND has made progress in enhancing hatred. UPND has made progress in destroying institutions of governance. UPND has made progress in destroying our democracy. UPND has made progress in destroying government. These are bad examples of progress.
It will be credited to them that they destroyed the very foundation that our forebears fought for and built for us to progress from. They will be an extremely poor bunch of examples for posterity.
While it is becoming increasingly difficult to see hope, I feel that it is not too late. As a country we need to lead ourselves into a new direction of hope. Time is now, for us to begin a new journey of the true meaning of progress.