VIDEO: FDD President Edith Nawakwi Addresses the media



  1. Well spoken madam intelligent lady! Tapali uku tuleya. Investors in the mines are failing to pay salaries! It’s a disaster.

    • Mandanda too much falsehood and inaccuracies in your comment m&chende yako! There is too much idiocy in Nawakwi’s outbursts. F*ck you, Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good.

  2. Mayo imwe nobufi bwenu tabwakapwe. Just pay back your legana sausage factory loan and stop hiding in political propaganda. When you go against the law and it catches up with you, you want it to appear like it is political persecution!
    Zambians are very analytical people and you know that they are never fooled. The same people you used to call thieves are now your allies. Do you have morals to start with? We have a very consistent and stable leader here in Zambia right now. Let him work to correct the huge blunders that PF committed. Tiyenayo! I submit.
    No gues work

  3. Ati some investors are failing to pay the salaries to their workers and yet some PF thieves were stealing money through the liquidator, why don’t you also talk about it? 40 million USD is a lot of money bane.

  4. The same Nawakwi who made bad deals on our mines can come around and point fingers?
    She is the one who settled for 0.006% mine Royalty tax!
    They managed to dupe her and she believed the mines had no future!
    Shameless woman!

  5. Madam Nawakwi,The UPND government was voted for by the people of Zambia and given five years mandate so don’t say unconstitutional government because the UPND adhears to the prescription of the constitution in the governance of the nation.You are bitter with Hounarable Minister of Home Affairs because the police which arrested you falls under his ministry, the police will always arrest lawbreakers this has been their work ever since independence of Zambia.You have been talking negatively against the President for a long time now but Zambians have seen that you have your own hidden agenda and may not gues correctly why or it is just hatred.The President has not lost confidence for Home affairs or police but he marely said using his powers he may use the army if police fails to deal with lawbreakers who want to make the country ungovernable.Madam Nawakwi you and your fellow opposition leaders have failed completely to offer proper checks and balances you have instead showed deep hatred for an individual who is HH.That is where you have gone wrong and Zambians have noticed that.I expected you to criticize government for failing to pay civil servants and CDEs you removed from work in full.You know,you came with HIPIC program which saw a huge number of government workers declared redundant and paid peanuts contrary to the understanding of the European Union agenda.The idea was to stream line the civil service with the view of relieving the government huge wage bill.You are quiet but you know that it is now twenty-five years the former workers are still waiting for full payment of their money.Your government then used lowest paying formula and paid the workers less money.The court ruled in their favour but up to now we still see these people crying for their money.You must apologize for the inhuman action your government undertook on that matter.These are the issues you must be talking about not innocent individuals you hate with Passion.You speak grandiloquently but you leave matters that you left in a mess not soughted out.With this climate change and hunger it has brought those retirees are more vulnerable you the opposition,NGOs and Human rights are quiet.You must encourage government to attend to the plight of these vulnerable people.The DMMU must follow this matter.It is not all that are living well in this situation we are in.


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