VIDEO: Lungu Speaks Out, Hichilema Stop This Nonsense, It Will Eat You, He Warns



  1. The kolokodyailo can not get advise flomu tge hippo. Lungu dishing out unsolicited advise is a no no. The Lungu family should just deal with and take responsibility for their criminality. It is not HH who sent the former first family to go on a stealing spree.

  2. Gosh it’s really tough to be out of power. The fella looks so lost as if he has just come out of kachasu den

  3. Mr lungu
    Note the following
    You are the most corrupt chikala zambians have ever had.
    Return our stolen money.
    Admit that you are a thief and accept time in jail.
    Stop being a effing effers.
    BTW you are the son of the devil.

  4. Ba ECL mind your ka language!
    At your age sure you can’t choose your words carefully?
    When you use the word “Nonsense,” you are like pouring more Petrol onto the fire!
    Be reminded that the Panga nonsense was started by you! Your rise to power was through the Panga! Your reign of terror was through the Panga!
    What you must realize is this is Spontaneous anger against you Lungu as a person!
    Your successor really respected you by not throwing you in Jail immediately he rose to power! He also restrained his cadres from revenging on those who mistreated them. But it’s clear tamutasha ba ECL and you don’t want peace!
    You should have left politics for good as late RB advised you! UKA would have been a credible and viable alternative without you in the mix!
    As long as you are involved in active politics, there will be no peace because the wounds of the many you injured during your reign are still fresh. Just your Kaponya way of talking is enough to cause some people’s blood to boil!
    Stop agitating for early elections!
    That is the insult that is causing unnecessary tension in the country!
    Zambia has a Constitution which says the next elections are on 12th August 2026!
    We have 90 days of political campaigns prior to the election date!
    Why are you so desperate for power?
    Why can’t you exercise patience?
    Is it the court cases catching up faster with your family that are making you restless?
    If you know deep down your heart that you are innocent and that every asset you have was acquired legitimately, why should you huff and puff and run to seeking public sympathy?
    How you behave while under investigations can tell if you are guilty or innocent!
    The guilty ones tend to talk too much. The innocent ones will be at peace like nothing is happening!
    They will just produce evidence as required and all allegations of wrong doing will fall apart on their own!
    Ba Lungu, you made a big mistake to demote yourself the way you did! Why is it that we had peace for 2 years when you were pretending to have retired?
    Immediately you came back, there has been no peace!
    Be the first one as former head of state to respect your successor the same way you want to be respected!
    When you openly show disrespect to your successor the way you have done, even after being forgiven or not paid back according to your measure of injustice, you openly show lack of discernment, wisdom and maturity required of a Statesman!

  5. Hmmmmmmm, ba Lungu, while I don’t support cadreism, you were in the forefront of what Hichilema is doing unfortunately. You were a senior cadre. What goes around comes around. Even Hichilemama should know that this nonsense will come to haunt him.

  6. There is no deception like self deception. I really feel pity for ECL, he was advised wrongly by people with selfish motives. If ECL had remained in retirement, he would not be having self inflicted pain. ECL knws very well in his heart of hearts tht he can’t account for his wealthy nor his wifes and Childrens. ECL tormented his successor when he wielded power. Tables have turned now, the smart thing to do would ve been to allow the incumbent to heal. Alas ECL decides to start poking his rival, it doesn’t help in healing the nation.
    Let Mundubile or Sampa politically fight HH coz it would not be personal not ECL. ECL is just putting his family on the line of fire, and not forgetting himself becoz of the many skeletons in his cupboard

  7. LUNGU is a Snake just as he always and repeatedly been putting it to the country, He is a violent and divisive person, he must be warned, warned again thereafter have nothing to do with him..He will chose where to be himself. It is his own words that will make a good choice for him.


    [10] Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.
    [11] You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
    [14] Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

    The Republican President of Zambia His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema is in full control and charge of the affairs of the Country. This evil narrative baba Lungu which you are trying to portray is totally untrue and false. Things are being handled according to plan.
    Let me just mention here that the economy that you destroyed Mr. E. C. Lungu is bring fixed. It is just like a vehicle that have been destroyed, but a well skilled and trained mechanic will slowly but surely work and repair it. But when it is being repaired when you visit the garage, you will find that the vehicle has been dismantled, including the engine at times, you will just find seperated parts at times you will even wonder if the vehicle will once again be on the road and move again, simply because the mechanic will want to identify and find the problem then work on it, fix it and put all the arts in their respective positions again and when you come the next time – or come again to see what it was, how it was and became and what it is , you will definately say, this is a good garage with expert mechanics. You will definately appreciate the owner of the garage, why? Because they took time to properly work on the faults slowly but for sure and the results will show great benefits. So this is what this government is doing, already you Mr. Snake just to mention but a few things that have so far been done which you, yourself as president of this country wrongly did and have been done/repaired/fixed despite your resolve to destabilise and destroy the good works and gains done so far / it again ( you will definately fail, because HH is focused and resolved to grow the Zambian economy bigger than you would not imagine )

    Look here and let’s go together

    1. There was total break down of rule of law, everywhere, there were cadres on the roads with vehicles having number plates written ECL 2021 and driving carelessly road without regard of other road users, today that nonsense is no more.
    2. PF cadres being found in almost all markets and bus stations in the country collecting money, the money or levies that was supposed to be collected by the councils so that they can use it for service delivery and payment of salaries to their workers but all these money was being collected and pocketed by PF cadres and shared with the PF party officials living councils with completely nothing but arrears of salaries for more than, in some instances 7 to 8 months workers going without salaries. That was totally unnecessary for a leader to allow that to happen.
    3. Some many PF cadres were always moving with guns and even wearing military uniforms even giving themselves titles which are for the army like commander and you Lungu tolerated that. What a failed leadership you had and tolerated. Quite astonishing and unbelievable.This is not there if any it is your hungover cadres, but are slowly being rooted out
    4. There was unnecessarily killings of innocent citizens by your leadership in ranks, talk of Lawrence Banda, Mapenzi, NSAMA NSAMA, JOSEPH KAUNDA, to mention but a few, talk of the many lives that was lost during gassing – we thank God for the Zambia Army who came on the seen and rescued us because your Kapyongo and charity Katanga led police was part of your scheme and plan to maime citizens. What a leader you were sure.
    5. Your team gave themselves contracts but some could not deliver but were being paid in full- for doing nothing, surely? tax payers money? Surely Mr. 6th president, the shadow of PF party president?
    6. You promoted tribalism and regionalism no wonder you were spewed with tomatoes at chawama markert in Solwezi because of your being regionalism and economic/ development selective.
    7. You hated to the core HH and because of him a person who was made in the image of God and placed in Southern Province of Zambia and his tribe being Tonga. Who are you sure to seperate what God HAS made to make it asunder? Ohhh NO. and for Him being put there by the grace and mercy of God Himself through HIS chosen people of Zambia you as Chagwa is rising again to destabilise the nation, do you know what you are inviting on your life and that of your family including your associates? You are inviting curses on yourself because you think you are fighting HH yet it is the one who put him there and the repercussions mostly for that are grave.

    There are many things you did wrong Mr. Lung, the list is long and probably endless.

    NOW LOOK AT What your colleagues have done in the midst of the broken economy – which you destroyed. Despite of course the high cost of living.

    1. Free education
    2. Employment creation
    3. Skills and bursaries trainings for the youths being paid for by government
    4. Restoration of the rule of law
    5. Freedom of speech
    6. Increased CDF being distributed equally to all constituencies without segregation
    7. Decentralization – local government
    8. Reinstall meal allowance for University students
    9. Balanced cabinet with the inclusion of all the ten Provinces of Zambia having a Minister in the UPND led government.
    10. Debt restructuring now done which was a creation of PF but failed to manage it because of their being junkies.
    This is just out of ten but the list is long

    Then what are you saying and complaining bo Lungu. Grow up man.


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