July 17,2024

The United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) has been engulfed in a wave of confusion stemming from internal disputes between the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Patriotic Front (PF). Tensions have reached a boiling point, with representatives from both parties openly clashing over their roles and influence within the alliance.

NDC faction President Saboi Imboela has publicly accused the PF of being intruders in the UKA. Imboela asserted that the alliance did not want to associate itself with any members of the PF due to the party’s tarnished reputation, which led to its loss in the 2021 general election. She emphasized that the PF’s past misconduct had left an indelible stain, making it undesirable for any alliance.

Imboela further charged that the PF was forcing its way into the UKA, despite not being part of the original alliance agreement. She claimed that no political party would willingly align itself with a party characterized by widespread corruption and other unethical behaviors. This strong stance reflects the deep-seated animosity and distrust between the NDC and PF.

On the other hand, PF surrogate Chanoda Ngwira has countered Imboela’s assertions, stating that there is no UKA without the PF and former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu. Ngwira argued that the UKA cannot survive without the support and leadership of the PF, highlighting the crucial role that the PF has played in the alliance. He criticized Imboela and Sakwiba Sikota for their lack of tangible contributions to the development of the alliance since its inception.

Ngwira’s statements underscore the significant influence and power struggle within the UKA. He contended that the PF is the only party capable of challenging the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND). This belief in the PF’s dominance and indispensability within the UKA reveals the deep divisions and differing perspectives on the alliance’s future.

The internal wrangles within the PF, particularly its succession disputes, appear to have spilled over into the UKA. This has further complicated the alliance’s dynamics, leading to increased friction and instability. The ongoing power struggle within the PF has created a volatile environment within the UKA, raising questions about the alliance’s cohesiveness and long-term viability.

As the situation unfolds, political analysts and observers are closely watching the developments within the UKA. The outcome of these internal disputes will likely have significant implications for the alliance’s future and its ability to effectively challenge the UPND. The unfolding drama within the UKA reflects the broader challenges and complexities of coalition politics in Zambia.

The UKA’s current predicament highlights the inherent difficulties in maintaining unity and coherence within political alliances. The divergent interests and conflicting ambitions of its member parties have created a volatile mix, making it challenging to present a united front. This situation underscores the need for effective leadership and conflict resolution mechanisms within political alliances.

Moving forward, the UKA will need to address these internal conflicts and find a way to reconcile the differing perspectives of its member parties. Failing to do so could undermine the alliance’s credibility and effectiveness, diminishing its prospects in the upcoming elections. The ability to navigate these challenges will be crucial for the UKA’s survival and success.

The eruption of confusion within the UKA serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges inherent in political alliances. The ongoing power struggle between the NDC and PF highlights the fragile nature of such coalitions and the need for effective leadership to navigate internal conflicts. As the UKA grapples with these issues, its future remains uncertain, with the potential for further volatility and upheaval.


  1. Imboela should get off her high horse, stop day dreaming and forget about winning any general election without PF or SP. The small parties simply do not have the capacity to unseat UPND. The small parties might as well join UPND if they can’t work with PF.

    Let sanity prevail.

  2. And MDC and Imboela have themselves in the past been in the media for all the wrong reasons, so what credibility does she have? Nobody took her seriously as a political leader. She has only become recognisable as a potential leader after her association with PF and Pres ECL.

    Politicians like Imoela are just more trouble than they are worth! The other UKA partners should take heed

  3. Uka’s birth was a sign of relief that finally we were going to have a formidable opposition against the ruling party, the moment I saw adada step in, I knew things were not going to be right in this UKWA thing because he came with a perception that all parties in UKWA are secondary to PF. Yes PF could currently wield higher representation that other parties within the alliance but is the reputation of PF intact? the answer is no. in fact if elections were to be held in all seats held by PF today, very few MP’s would retain those seats because of their tainted image. So the followers of ADADA should understand that UKWA members have gone there as equals and this is what UKWA should project in order to be of relevance. I am only advising UKWA because I would want to see a strong opposition because currently their is non.

    • Surely how can pf be equated to these small parties in an alliance? The strength lies in small parties açepting that they are small but the truth is that so far UKA has done Nothing to recruit pipo it’s simply pf supporters who are being seen as uka. Detach pf from uka and you will remain with zero

  4. A combination of Ms. Saboi Imboela, Ms. Edith Nawakwi and Mr. SeanTembo is a pretty explosive mixture.

    Of course, UPND is to blame for the latest fracture in the opposition.

  5. This is what is going to happen to this so called ukwa as we get closer to elections. All those party presidents including lungu will fight to be the choice candidate for republican president to stand on behalf of ukwa in 2026 and the others who are not picked to be either a presidential candidate or running mate will disappear from ukwa to stand under their own banners.

  6. Who is Bakateka? This concubine is conflicted. UKA is Edgar Lungu and Edgar Lungu is UKA. This finished prostitute must stop wetting herself and fave reality. Ati PF wasn’t there. But the person who brought u to alliance belongs to PF. Fool


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