The Socialist Party (SP) remains strong, be rest assured! We are aware of those trying so hard to destroy the party! But it won’t work. We have come a long way to crumble over such small issues.

Those trying to paint a picture that SP is crumbling are deceiving themselves. We are stronger than ever before and are solidly behind the leadership of Dr Fred M’membe. For he is the only hope for Zambia. People who resonate with the SP and it’s core values will certainly stand and die for SP. But for those who are not SP at heart, they will definitely find home elsewhere. We wish them well.

Defections, dismissals and resignations are not a new thing in our politics. Similarly, the recent events are not exceptional to SP. They’re necessary and will bring stability, dedication, unity and loyalty to the party.

SP has been around for a while and it is growing stronger every day. We are also cognizant that we can only succeed with a membership (both new or old) that is loyal, trustworthy, ready and committed to work, to mobilise and to struggle. We need a leadership that understands its responsibility and not on the fence waiting to go to the highest bidder. And we are fully aware that the party is being reconfigured to be in the best position possible for the battle ahead.

Aluta continua!

Barbra C Maramwidze
SP Member of the Central Committee


  1. Why denying something which people are seeing, can’t you see that you crumbling like a falling hot air balloon. Stop writing about HH and start seriously organizing your party, otherwise you are losing more people than you are recruiting. And don’t think there are people trying to destroy your party, you are the one destroying it because of your poor leadership and organization.

  2. “Those trying to paint a picture that SP is crumbling are deceiving themselves. We are stronger than ever before and are solidly behind the leadership of Dr Fred M’membe.” So says the legendary ostrich that buried its head in the sand.

  3. Barbara, I personally cannot and will not vote for a party that aspires to turn Zambia in a dysfunctional state like Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. I am just one person anyway!


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