We are not ready to remove HH and UPND especially under UKA- Chanoda Ngwira


By Chanoda Ngwira

Me looking at ba Sakwiba Sikota as he issues a careless and hypocritical statement regards UKA….

“Those who want to leave UKA can leave”, Really? Must we be gagged now through such statements?

Trust me we are not ready to remove HH and UPND especially under UKA because there is too much hypocrisy and lack of trust among these leaders…

If I had powers, i would have desired to have President ECL distance himself from this organisation called UKA because it seems he is dealing with a gang of very dishonest characters…


  1. Removing HH? Patali. H is not going anywhere in 2026. It’s HH until 2031, not in 2026, patali apa yama. And to make the matters worse, it’s absolutely not possible with Edger Lungu and his Nakachinda group the worst and most useless gang of opportunitists, who can’t do something else apart from dirty politics.
    After all Edgar Lungu has never been a freedom fighter or popularist in Zambia.
    He used to win with a small magin in both elections in 2014 and 2016 and lost terribly bad in 2021.

    You can start planning properly for 2031 not, not 2026

    Kwangala uko.

  2. Should removing HH become a number one agenda? What’s wrong with these adults?
    They will make the manifesto after removing HH?
    Currently the manifesto is:
    1. To remove HH AND UPND
    2. To remove HH AND UPND
    3. To remove HH AND UPND
    4. As above
    Hopeless politicians in Zambia.
    HH patali. Forward Zambia.

  3. Baba Ngwira, this UKWA bag is full of nothing but scorpions and venomous snakes that are each determined to eat all others so that they emerge as the preferred candidate. We are already seeing protruding fangs in the bag as they fight and miss one another. If UKA is the only possible formidable opposition for 2026 then we might as well declare HH unopposed.

  4. Mr. Lungu himself is the most dishonest character. And you, Mr. Ngwira, are an abnonxious character. PF had to plead to join UKWA but now wants to call the shots by virtue of having the numbers and financial clout to bully the other spineless presidents in the alliance.

    Of course the weaker ones like Mr. Sean Tembo, have already pledged their loyalty to the great leader and I am sure he is not the only one. Others like Mr. Dan Pule have also fallen in line. Talk of the Arab and the camel.

    The bottom line is, alliances are doomed in Zambia. There is no integrity, no transparency. Each leader in UKWA is scheming how to be the alpha male.


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