This morning, we have been barred from entering the Copperbelt by the Zambia Airforce because Mr Edgar Lungu has suddenly decided he must travel there.

Subsequently the clearance for our flight (into a private airstrip on private land) was cancelled.

Every Presidential candidate regards the Copperbelt as a crucial area in which to sell themselves for this election and all have been allowed to visit their supporters there except ourselves.

Remarkably, Mr Edgar Lungu and I live and work in the same Province 90% of the year and that doesn’t create a problem. However when I want to visit Copperbelt even to attend a funeral, our air clearance to travel there is denied.

We will not allow that our rights to association and assembly be trampled upon by frightened little men whose time is up. This is our constitutional right for which we will guard jealously and the outgoing PF will not stop us.

HH aka Bally


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