We have never sought any help from govt, Jay Jay Banda’s sister


We have never sought any help from govt, Jay Jay’s sister

By Esther Chisola

Petauke-Central member of parliament Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda’s sister Liwalyi says the family has never engaged any government official regarding any help for her brother.

And Liwalyi has disclosed that her brother Banda, is still unwell.

Another sister Lenny Banda, who Information and Media permanent secretary Thabo Kawana linked to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) arrangement that Banda allegedly sought, said she was not aware of it, and wondered how her brother recorded government officials when he had no phone in the government institutions he has been detained.

His lawyer Kennedy Mambwe, who was also linked to the MoU, said he would not.. https://dailyrevelationzambia.com/we-have-never-sought-any-help-from-govt-jay-jays-sister/



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