We reject this concept of wamuyayaya, says Muhabi


By Kholiwe Miti(The Mast)

WE reject this concept of wamuyayaya, says Muhabi Lungu.

Lungu has charged that the UPND government is bent on creating a one party state that was rejected by Zambians years ago.

During the Zambia We Want (ZWW) briefing on Wednesday, Lungu said the creation of a political messiah or a saviour, within the institutions of governance is undesirable and abhorrent to a democratic system of governance.

“[There’s] a general dissatisfaction with the current political, social and economic situation as being managed by the current administration. An economic situation appearing hopeless, misunderstood and dangerously undermanaged. Instead of boldly confronting the issues at hand, government continues to play the blame game even after more than two years in office. It will be three just in a few weeks, next month in August,” he said.

Lungu noted a clear propensity by the government to attack, weaken and obliterate all opposition political parties with a view towards the creation of a de facto one party state.

“This is in an apparent attempt at killing the dream of a functional multiparty state as envisioned in 1990 by the people of our republic,” he said.

Lungu said there was insufficient checks and balances between the three arms of government.

“… and consequent elevation of the presidency above and beyond other institutions of governance. Too powerful a presidency. The creation of a political messiah or a saviour within the institutions of governance is undesirable and abhorrent to a democratic system of governance. Only one Messiah, up in the heaves, sited at the right hand of the father, and deeply embedded through all our hearts through the Holy Spirit but certainly not an ordinary man. We reject this concept of ‘wamuyayaya’,” he said.

Lungu said the dream of 1990 of a free and democratic country has been demoted to the back of the classroom.

“In evaluating these and many other problems that were discussed in the first gathering of concerned citizens and in subsequent meetings that were to follow it was unanimously agreed that we as a people were living in a Zambia that none of us wanted. That this was not the Zambia we wanted. That the aspirations of our forefathers at independence 60 years ago for effective self-governance, towards a proud self-reliance, equitable ownership of our natural resources and the means to produce and add value to our collective inheritance had all but dissipated and that in its place there was nothing but disillusionment. That the dream of 1990, just a little bit more than 30 years ago, of a functional democratic state, promoting free expressing of freedoms; freedom of speech, freedom assembly, freedom of uninterrupted worship and freedom from social, economic deprivation has all been relegated to the very back of the classroom,” he said. “And instead at the front of the line has been placed personal ambitions of politicians and their friends as well as their domestic and international business partners. This cannot be the Zambia we want. Definitely not the Zambia we want. Every youth in our republic, each one of us, should seriously and honestly probe and understand how we have gotten here? Because it has not been by accident. How have we gotten here, to this undesirable and sad situation, to this desolate place?”

He lamented the growing incidence of promoted ethnicity, tribalism and government behaviour with tendencies of creating exclusion on the basis of political affiliation, family ties and or regionalism.

“Under no circumstance can this be deemed right or acceptable. A noticeable luck of transparency in government procurement, offloading of national assets and affirmations to questionable international agreements, raising legitimate fears and concerns at the possible explosion of white collar corruption; a more dangerous vice than petty theft that we previously have been used to,” said Lungu. “The dangerous and therefore undesirable habit that has developed in our country by the people of Zambia and its opposition political parties to allow a discontented situation to degenerate to a point where the voter is only concerned with the removal of the current administration without carefully probing and making a careful assessment and consideration as to who the possible replacement will be; a possible replacement in terms of quality of leadership and a workable policy framework…”


  1. Muhabi Lungu you were rejected along time ago. You are a blind follower who don’t think for yourself but others. Remember not everyone was born yesterday like most people on this platform. You were the last man in Zambia to leave UNIP even when every Zambian had rejected kaunda you were busy flogging a dead horse . What can you tell us now? Stop telling lies let HH rule this country in peace. The people complaining of shrinking democratic space are thieves. Only criminals are going round the country telling lies. If you have stollen you are on your own. Thieves have no tribe just ask your fellow thieves to explain how they got their money. It’s that simple. Ukwa are saying the people are suffering yes it may be true to a limited extent but not fully endorsed. The people will speak for themselves not through ba ukwa bag imwee ba pompwe. Zambians are generally happy with HH and Upnd government. No one wants pfools back and its surrogates.

    • Kapoma Kabaso fantastic submission and reminder to this Kumawa partless fool. Muhabi Lungu is no different from Raphael Gunyu Nakachinda coz these guys are specialists in killing off political clubs. The two gowns killed UNIP and MMD, and now busy scavanging on PF remains. Aikona Man, niba Pompwe zona.

      • Yaba. Ati Zambians are happy with Hakainde hahahaha. Just say Zambezi dwellers are happy with Hakainde. Truth be told, even they must be getting fed up with their representative. They realise they sent the wrong person. James Ndambo would have done a much better job. But the conman does not want him anywhere near Zambia.

        Vote wisely in 2026.

        Mwebena Zambezi insoni ebuntu.

  2. Interesting statement coming from a UNIP die hard. Were these not the same people singing…Panshi Kaunda kumulu nilesa…
    And this Kumawa person should be singing this comment to ECL to get over his loss and move on….but instead is generalising. To who?

  3. Well spoken my dear Muhabi. Selfishness will not succeed in this country. And with his style of leadership of self centredness and tribalism , Hichilema has just closed any chances of any other Tonga leading this country in future! It’s the end for any of his tribesmen to rule Zambia in future. And a one party state will never happen in Zambia again. If that’s Hichilema is dreaming, it will not happen. All parts of the country are against this Upnd dictatorship. And Upnd can not force people to be under a dictatorship. So it’s actually over for Upnd as it’s dead on the ground.

    • Dream on. We have tested all others and thieving has been their legacy. Mwanawasa changed the the scenario, they eliminated him because he hated corruption.
      This current one detests corruption they are looking for ways to do him in. God is with him and he shall rule to the end of his two terms.
      He will bring up another one from wherever or whichever tribe, but it must be from one that has no majority bad eggs.
      The litmus test has been taken and we know people from my land are what ECL clearly stated: 8 out of 10. We must search and find one out of the 2. If not, let’s identify one fair man.
      I urge Zambians to start looking for one successful individual who has the ability to change rubbish to Gold on the copperbelt to succeed HH. I know one on the copperbelt who has shown the ability to put together a team of all tribes and they are working very well to transform what was once a failed project. This success story shows how a uniting factor, a leader and not misleader can change things for the better. He is a Zambian who gave up his well paying job in the diaspora and sacrificed to help Zambia, his mother land. These are the leaders we are looking forward to. Not nga mwaiba injanji nolupiya lwaba mukamfwilwa ati nifwe bakateka.

  4. Actually, ba Muhabi Lungu and your ilk are the true Wamuyayas. You span the whole political spectrum. You were eating with UNIP then MMD then PF.

    You are “ba muselela kwa kaba. Ba mutasha kali mwisaya. Ba kandile”. Leave room for the younger generation.


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