We Shall Fight the Expulsions Both Legally and Politically – Warns Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu


We Shall Fight the Expulsions Both Legally and Politically – Warns Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu

Lusaka, Zambia – July 5, 2024

Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has expressed grave concerns about the current administration’s undermining of democratic principles and the erosion of the rule of law in Zambia, particularly in relation to the recent expulsions of Members of Parliament.

“As everyone is aware, I was President of the Republic in 2015. During my tenure, there was no time, no time whatsoever, did we interfere with the workings of the National Assembly. My government respected the principles of national and separation of power,” Former President Lungu said.

President Lungu bemoaned the state of governance, contrasting it with his administration’s practices.

“Unfortunately, in terms of respecting the principles of power, we practised under contemporary powers, and the previous ruling party had been washed away by this government. Since Mr. Hakainde Hichilema took over the reigning power, we have seen the integrity of power being undermined and eroded with political infinity.”

He said the current government is abusing the respected office of the Speaker, turning it into a tool for oppressive retributions against perceived opponents of the ruling party. “This has been done repeatedly,” President Lungu asserted.

He called for national opposition to these actions, warning, “If Zambia will not stand up to oppose and reject the illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional expulsion of the nine-month-old family, then our citizens will have approved the brutal assassination of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema.”

Reflecting on his presidency, President Lungu stated, “When I was in the State House, we never interfered with the courts. We never interfered or gave instructions to the government. Never. Respect for the rule of law and the principles of power was very, very important to us, especially during the time that we were fighting the crisis.”

Addressing the affected Members of Parliament, President Lungu conveyed his solidarity. “I feel your pain and anguish because you were a democratic candidate to serve your people in Zambia. I wish to promise here that we will fight with you. We will do everything possible, both politically and legally, to ensure that dictatorship does not take root in our country.”

President Lungu reiterated the importance of the rule of law and democracy, affirming, “As far as the rule of law and democracy is concerned, you are still our MP. We will hold back the parliament in the name and spirit of the rule of law and democracy.”

He urged the citizens to look at Article 72 of the Constitution, emphasizing its significance and expressing hope for a return to the principles of law and democracy.

“Those of you who have had time to look at Article 72 of the Constitution will very, very miss that. It’s not easy at all to dismiss the rule of law and democracy in the manner that it is. So, I’m glad that this is a good opportunity to know that we are a country of law and democracy.”

President Lungu’s passionate address calls for a collective effort to preserve Zambia’s democratic values and the integrity of its governance structures. His remarks have sparked a renewed conversation about the importance of upholding constitutional principles and protecting the nation’s democratic foundations.
The sixth President assured the affected lawmakers that, “I will do everything within my power to correct the situation you are in. It’s not easy to wantonly expel an MP according to our constitution so it’s not over yet.”



  1. Fighting for what? It was under yowa misleadership that PeeEfu failed to hold a convention as stipulated in their own party constitution. It is this confusion that has culminated in the expulsions.

    The expelled MPs have themselves only to blame. How do you blindly follow someone who has a documented history of disregarding the party and the national laws?

  2. We won’t allow Hakainde to destroy our democracy. People sacrificed a lot to bring about multi party democracy in 1991 anchored on the separation of powers which Hakainde wants to destroy. We won’t allow the 3 arms of government to be in Hakainde’s pocket . The man is on a dangerous path through his useless and rubbish Mingalatos.. which are destroying the rule of law , and causing the country to descend into Executive , legislative and judicial anarchy.
    This Tin – Pot Dictator is beyond redemption…He has shown his colours from the time he became President… Kabwata, Kabushi, Kwacha are testimony…the man can’t manage to conduct even a simple ward bye Election! Talk of the shrinkage of the Democratic Space… Police terror… Even churches and Bishop’s offices can be violated with impunity.
    The man should be shown the exit door in 2026. Twanaka na Malabishi.

  3. Abena Hallucinating, demonising HH will not deliver you any results. Except for the wrath of the people who voted him into power. And those added to that number who have obtained jobs in the civil service and security wings.

    Address the cause of the expulsions. Lungu and his inability to respect the party constitution is there enjoying his Jimmyson on the rocks. While you are busy barking up the wrong tree. Please continue.

  4. Is democracy expelling your MPs from your party and then let them continue enjoying privileges of the national assembly. I thought it is PF that expelled it’s members from PF. Is this voluntary ignorance from PF or an a ploy to mislead the masses?

  5. ” I will do everything in my power….” what powers do you have now. You are just an ordinary citizen like anybody else. Don’t forget you also used to cause by elections by poaching MPs from the opposition causing them to be expelled from their party like greyford nonde, richwell siamunene, that professor from Eastern etc etc.

  6. For the information of everyone, HH will win with a landslide victory in 2026. Those who are hallucinating must just sleep. Us who are in rural areas are enjoying; free education, CDF everywhere etc. The PF has destroyed itself. You can spend 3 years fighting the government and delaying development . You take your bitterness of losing elections to the national assembly!

  7. I didn’t have to read on when I noticed the deception in this article. You, ECL, was the most dangerous thing that ever happened to Zambia.
    1. You unleashed dangerous criminals who you released from prisons to carry out your dirty work. It is very true that your barber man is serving a sentence for murder.
    2. You armed your own barber man to eliminate supporters of your opponent then, HH. And we still don’t have answers as to who was gassing innocent Zambians.
    3. During your seven years in power, you incarcerated HH seven times, an average of two times per year, while you even have the freedom to campaign in churches.
    4. We watched your heavily armed cadres, with blazing heavy artillery, chasing HH into the jungle
    5. It was during your time that you threatened the constitutional court judges not to make judgement against you for running for office for the third time, a clear case of raping the constitution.
    6. It was still in your time that, for the first time in Zambia, dissolved parliamentarians or Ministers continued in their portfolios during election campaigns. Tell Zambians this was not a breach of the constitution then we will remind you that it was a treasonable case then.
    7. Talking about tribalism, nepotism and all that mess, I must say, Sir, that you have no shame to pretend that your cabinet and 98% of all government appointments, job and scholarship opportunities were given to three regions only, Northern, Luapula and Eastern. Am being honest as a patriotic Zambian. Worse still, you were president when your hard core tribal lieutenants demonized other tribes and were not ashamed to pick up microphones and say it loud in front of cameras. You forget so easily Sir. You are also on record of saying there shall be no Tonga president in Zambia. If that was not tribalism, then what was it?
    8. On your last campaign trail in Ndola, you told the country, after disembarking from the gulf stream at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport, now Zuze ZAF airport, that you were going to jail HH soon after you win the elections. And you are so free under his leadership that you can stand in front of cameras and lie to the nation through your teeth that you were democratic? Shame on you!
    9. People have always wondered what you were trying to do to HH after picking something from your inner jacket pocket and clenched it in your fist that you failed to unfold in front of RB and all who were around after HH noticed you were on a mission to ‘stub’ him. Is it true that it was spiritual?
    10. It is very true that through your cadres you raided the house for HH with the intention of eliminating him, but God did not allow it. And you call that Democracy?
    11. How many people were killed for political reasons during your reign? Just on this one, even the priests supporting you are probably conspirators and they need to be checked properly. Perhaps they are even custodians of some of those bank of Zambia cash suitcases.
    12. It was only during your reign that an aircraft was almost brought down by cadres. So much indiscipline. Be reminded, also, that the Police had no say such that a cadres like JJ could walk in a police station and whip the hell out of cops and grab money from them. And you say you want to come back? When we see you, we imagine a muppet. You don’t make these decisions yourself. You also forget what you said before. Do you remember saying you are a combination of a snake and a dove? That you are a violent person?
    That violence was manufactured in Chawama?
    Sir, are you the owner of the fish ponds on a land grabbed from Palabana University? I don’t see you here any more, what happened?

    • I didn’t have to read on when I noticed the deception in this article. You, ECL, was the most dangerous thing that ever happened to Zambia.
      1. You unleashed dangerous criminals who you released from prisons to carry out your dirty work. It is very true that your barber man is serving a sentence for murder.
      2. You armed your own barber man to eliminate supporters of your opponent then, HH. And we still don’t have answers as to who was gassing innocent Zambians during your reign of terror.
      3. During your seven years in power, you incarcerated HH fifteen times, an average of two times per year, while you even have the freedom to campaign in churches under his reign.
      4. We watched your heavily armed cadres, with blazing heavy artillery, chasing HH into the jungle
      5. It was during your time that you threatened the constitutional court judges not to make judgement against you for running for office for the third time when the constitution only allowed two, a clear case of raping the constitution.
      6. It was still in your time that, for the first time in Zambia, dissolved parliamentarians or Ministers continued in their portfolios during election campaigns and got full benefits. Tell Zambians this was not a breach of the constitution then we will remind you that it was a treasonable case then.
      7. Talking about tribalism, nepotism and all that mess, I must say, Sir, that you have no shame to pretend that your cabinet and 98% of all government appointments, job and scholarship opportunities that were given to three regions only, Northern, Luapula and Eastern was not tribalism, regionalism and nepotism. Am being honest as a patriotic Zambian here. Send those same journalists to collect the data and publish it in all the papers.
      Worse still, you were president when your hard core tribal lieutenants demonized other tribes and were not ashamed to pick up microphones and say it loud in front of cameras. Nkandu Luo, Kambwili etc.
      You forget so easily Sir. You are also on record of saying there shall be no Tonga president in Zambia. If that was not tribalism, then what was it?
      8. On your last campaign trail in Ndola, you told the country, after disembarking from the gulf stream at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport, now Zuze ZAF airport, that you were going to jail HH soon after you win the elections. And you are so free under his leadership that you can stand in front of cameras and lie to the nation through your teeth that you were democratic? Shame on you!
      9. People have always wondered what you were trying to do to HH after picking something from your inner jacket pocket and clenched it in your fist so much that you failed to unfold it in front of RB and all who were around after HH noticed you were on a mission to ‘stub’ him. Is it true that it was spiritual? Was it witchcraft or anointing oil, since you are all over churches campaigning now?
      10. It is very true that through your cadres you raided the house for HH with the intention of eliminating him, but God did not allow it. And you call that Democracy?
      11. How many people were killed for political reasons during your reign? Just on this one, even the priests supporting you are probably conspirators and they need to be checked properly. Perhaps they are even custodians of some of those bank of Zambia cash suitcases, tusaka twandalama!
      12. It was only during your reign that an aircraft was almost brought down by cadres in an effort to suppress democracy. So much indiscipline. Be reminded, also, that the Police had no say such that a cadres like JJ could walk in a police station and whip the hell out of cops and grab money from them. And you say you want to come back? When we see you, we imagine a muppet. You don’t make these decisions yourself but you are operated like a muppet by strings. You also forget what you said before. Do you remember saying you are a combination of a snake and a dove? That you are a violent person?
      That violence was manufactured in Chawama?
      Sir, are you the owner of the fish ponds on a land grabbed from Palabana University? I don’t see you here any more, what happened?

  8. He still speaks like he is not a Lawyer. Not a long time ago, he claimed in an interview on BBC that he was a High Class Lawyer and that’s how he made his millions. However, a closer analysis of his interpretation of the law shows, he lacks of capacity to correctly interpret the law and 90 % he found wanting. Remember the case against his former cabinet ministers, his own questionable retirement from politics drawing benefits while actively running PF through proxies (Lubinda), his case to fight for benefits shows a person without any regard of the law. The Apex court has spoken! So how is he going to fight legally and politically? Here is a person looking for trouble. The law enforcement agencies should be on lookout.

    • This man forgets or pretends to. How was HH involved in the expulsion of Mbbape’s 9 MPs? PF expelled them from the Party, did ECL want them to continue and on which Party’s ticket? They did not even qualify to be independent MP’s because that is not the ‘bus’ that took them to parliament.
      My advice to ECL is that he should reflect on his return to pilitiks because Aya nomba mapilikiti and those that did not use the money handouts that you gave them properly are now pushing you to come back and give them more money and opportunity to grab hard earned monies from poor Zambians in markets and streets.
      Others want you to protect their stollen wealth.
      If one has nothing to do in town and wants to eat well and at the same time have a life of a rich man, one will say life is difficult. However, those that are working hard to make ends meet will not have the same opinion.
      The ones complaining are those that got used to free hand outs or grabbing and selling plots or making people pay for trading spaces in towns.
      Go farming and you will realize that life is affordable when you do the right thing.

  9. M Kalengo. I think it’s villagers like you who are enjoying the so called Free education and CDF. Most people in urban areas just hear about CDF and the so called free education coz most children are not going to school on empty stomachs.

    • You were told to relocate to the village and get involved in CDF and farming. Uli ndwi expecting to receive free money the way you used to be paid by Edgar for threatening violence. Those days are gone. To start with who initiated the expelling of the MPs and who’s the current president of PF that was taken to the Concourt? Stop making noise. Lungu and his UKWA still think that the citizens are stupid! He didn’t learn anything from his conduct in 2021, and continues to behave the same way before August 2021.

  10. ECZ was in your pocket, you threatened the constitutional court not to emulate the nullification in a neighboring country, you used the police to brutalize citizens, your cadres became police supervisors, you personally became judge jury and executioner by telling the current president that if the impossible happened i.e. becoming president again, you would lock him up and throw the keys away. you instructed your party functionaries to steal all the money apart from the capital in their respective areas of work, YOUR CADRES WERE OPENLY DISPLAYING THE MILLIONS THAT THEY EARNED FROM YOUR PARTY BY AS HUNTING DOGS FOR ANYONE WITH DECENTING VIEWS, THEN YOU HAD YOUR MARIAMUNGU IN FORM OF KEIZER ZULU. AND TODAY YOU WANT TO BE A SAINT


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