I was asked to give an opinion on the safety and danger of SAVLON an antiseptic agent. This debate was ignited by Milly that the said medication savlon is good for keeping your private part clean.
I have a lot of respect for Dr. Mujajati and Pharmacist Kambani, both are seasoned scientists and both gave interesting points on the issue of savlon.
Lets start dissecting what savlon is: Savlon is a first aid treatment for minor wounds and skin reactions.
Savlon Antiseptic helps cleanse and protect minor wounds from infection. Cleanses cuts, grazes and minor wounds to help prevent infection, First aid treatment of superficial burns & scalds Prevention of infection on shaving cuts, blisters and sores.
Savlon antiseptic contains 5 mg of cetrimide (0.5% w/w) and 1 mg of chlorhexidine digluconate (0.1% w/w) as the active ingredients. It’s used in cleansing and prevention of infection in all types of lesions, ranging from minor skin disorders or blisters, to minor burns and small wounds.
What both of them missed is to understand the rationale behind the use of this product by the known gender. They are using it to clean the smell or bad odour down there. What will savlon do if used, it will destroy the bacteria/fungal responsible for discharge or bad smell. Will a woman be cured if they use savlon as off label indication, the answer is YES. Women try so many things, others drink flagyl to make it tight by decreasing lubricating fluid down there. BACK to savlon, Is SAVLON DANGEROUS if used in this manner? Yes, why? because it can destroy the vaginal normal flora which is the bacteria that live inside the vagina. The normal vaginal flora is dominated by various lactobacillus species. Lactobacilli help to keep the vagina healthy by producing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other substances that inhibit the growth of yeast and other unwanted organisms. So vija ngati ka balance ka vuta women develop itchy due to fungal infection and we give V6 or V3. One fact that everyone should know and this is not debatable, Pharmacists are the only experts in medicines, their chemical composition and safety. Is savlon harmful to any open wound, the answer is a categorical NO, its very safe and we use it to clean wounds even in theatre, is a woman’s private part an open wound? Maybe, Is that wound sterile and clean? No. So can a private part be cleaned with savlon if it develops a wound inside their? Is savlon contraindicated as cleaning agent for vaginal wounds or any open body parts? The answer is NO.
What scientists who understand pharmaceutical chemistry, advise is that avoid (keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something) feminine hygiene products e.g wipes. Use warm water and wash with your hand. Scrubbing or wiping with a flannel, wash cloth or cotton wool is not recommended.
So my conclusion on whose side I fall between Dr.Mujajati and Pharmacist Kambani! It is based on my above last paragraph. If I tell you to say “avoid excessive exposure to the sun” does it mean that you can not safely go out in the sun?
Only bees can convince a house fly that honey is sweater than feaces.
If you want us to debate this on TV contact me.
Dr. Larry Mweetwa, PhD