Among the aspirants seeking Zambian presidential office in 2026, Chishala Kateka, is one exceptional individual worthy of  consideration and support, for she is a visionary and revolutionary leader.

The NHP acknowledges that each individual has their strengths and weaknesses, just like the spots on an animal’s body. Some have dark spots like a hyena, repulsive to the public and voters. Dark hyena spots include  selfishness, greedy, vulgar language, lies, hot temperedness, reactionary, holier than thou,  intimidating, bullying, highly controlling, being bought by the ruling party, opportunistic and being double legged.

However, Chishala Kateka stands out with the attractive spots of a leopard, appealing to every eye and all voters.

What sets Chishala Kateke apart is her impeccable record – she is corruption-free, untainted by past political affiliations, and unencumbered by pending cases and accusations. She is kind, approachable; a good listener and adviser; innovative, down to earth, motivator, creative, visionary, revolutionary understanding and loving; a team builder, team player and team leader. Chishala Kateka is simply a darling  and a mother for all and she cannot be bought or diverted from the right cause .

Chishala Kateka and the NHP have highly attractive  ideas, plans and  strategies for Zambia and Zambians  like those attractive spots on a leopard :The New Heritage Party (NHP) is highly committed to empowering Zambians through various initiatives.

Chishala Kateka and NHP are not in the business of petty party politics of witch hunting. They are in the business of finding outstanding lasting solutions to problems facing Zambia and Zambians.

Chishala Kateka has built a team of visionary and revolutionary leaders and has positioned them and herself to form government.

Chishala Kateka is well supported by “Inkalakatiba shachalo “ ( technocrats, political experts and experienced thank tanks) who originate and disseminate authentic ideas and strategies to benefit Zambia and Zambians.

Chishala Kateka has built an ever green and  tactful National Mobilization team, a vibrant Politburo, the ever wise NEC, the highly creative media team and the forever persuasive provincial, district, constituency, ward and branch committees .

The NHP urge Zambia’s citizenry to come nearer, join and support  NHP  to experience  these sweet wonderful characteristics  and qualities of their ideal leader Chishala Kateka and their political party, the NHP.

Chishala Kateka and the New Heritage Party (NHP) are indeed passionate about giving back Zambian land to Zambians and fighting for economic independence. Their vision is centered around empowering Zambians to take control of their country’s resources and economy, specially land, there by creating an Economic independence. Simply put, Chishala Kateka and the New Heritage Party are fighting for Economic Independence for Zambia and Zambians and this approach is  completely opposed to all those  other political parties that prioritize giving Zambian land, resources and Economy to None Zambians like UPND has been doing since 2021.

Under Chishala Kateka’s leadership, the NHP has been vocal about its commitment to these principles, and has been actively engaging with Zambians to promote its vision for a more prosperous and Economic independent Zambia such as:
– Giving Zambian land exclusively to Zambians
– Providing both surface and ground rights to Zambian landowners as opposed to UPND who only offer surface rights
– Promoting perpetual land ownership, rather than 99-year leases that UPND offers.

– Empowering Zambian youth and women through education, training, and economic opportunities.
.Revolutionalized agriculture
-Modernized high quality free education as opposed to low quality free education offered by UPND.

.Wealth Fund creation as opposed  to UPNDs hand outs social transfer fun.
– And more other objectives and principles.

The leadership qualities and vision of Chishala Kateka and NHP align very well with the nation’s needs, and their election will transform Zambia into a positive trajectory.

Watch out for more details and explanations in the next articles that will follow as we go deeper on each principle, idea, plan and item.

Aggephrey Brill
Chief spokesperson
New Heritage Party.


  1. I used to hold Ms. Chishala Kateta in high esteem and considered her to be one of the best potential options to lead Zambia in the future but alas she eroded all that when she joined hands with PF in UKA the party which caused all these problems we are still battling with today like unsustanable debt, high levels of corruption, damaged economy to mention just a few. By her joining UKA and her starting to condemn the new dawn government which has been working to fix the numerous problems they inherrited which were caused by the party she was in an alliance with made me realize she was not a leader I initially thought she was. By her association UKA and PF she has damaged her political reputation and it will be difficult to rebuild it.

  2. It’s a good start, need part 2 with a more detailed explanation of what NHP will do differently. Example it’s easy to say to give Zambians to manage resources….but what process are you going to use to transfer those resources to Zambians factoring in the international and local legalities.
    Transitioning from social cash transfer to wealth creation plan? Expand on that…if an opposition can focus on 1 point, give a detailed alternative and present it to the government and offer collaboration, Zambians will take that opposition more serious I promise. Also give time frames on how long each alternative initiative will take factoring in that each term is 5 years….makes for informed debating


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