By Anthony Bwalya
How many Zambians will the PF regime deny access to information by virtual of their insensitive, reckless political war against Prime Television?
How many Zambian jobs will the PF regime destroy through their targeted war against Prime Television?
Any attempt to silence or close down Prime Television by the Patriotic Front regime will be a declaration of war against our democracy, especially as the country is getting closer to the 2021 General Election.
Zambians must not and will not allow the PF to do to Prime Television what they did to Fred Mmembe and The Post Newspaper, all for childish political reasons, leading to the loss of many hundreds of local jobs.
The PF must be careful not to incite law abiding citizens.
We want accountability for our Television Levy.
We do not want Zambian money in Television Levy to be exported to China via TOPSTAR.
If we will standby and watch them run Prime TV into the ground, they will one day come for our precious FACEBOOK because this is the next platform of war against irresponsible governments like the PF….and what will do then?
The time to send a very decisive message to the regime is now.