What is Lungu foretelling?


We know for a fact that former Edgar Lungu is definitely not a prophet. Being a prophet is a serious undertaking; it’s not as easy as walking into Soweto market, get yourself a nice double breasted-suit and pointed shoes from China and start preaching prosperity gospel to bored passengers on a long-distance bound bus in a hoarse voice.

Basically, to be a prophet, you have to speak and proclaim what you hear from God, instead of just promoting your own ideas. All in all, a prophet is a person who receives a divine message and speaks to other human beings on behalf of a deity.

Speaking to congregants Sunday at Danny Pule’s church where the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) had a meeting for special prayers, Lungu pronounced, “People are talking about 2026 elections, but am here to tell you that we may not even reach 2026 because we may deliver a baby before that time.”

Wait a minute…..what is Lungu foretelling? Is somebody going to die any time soon? Are we expecting a coup? Or perhaps, he and his cronies are plotting an uprising?

It’s such kind of excitement and utterances that landed our founding president Kenneth Kaunda in problems with President Chiluba in 1997. The police may need to take keen interest in what Lungu is saying and perhaps invite him for interviews.

Following the botched 1997 coup attempt by Col. Steven Lungu and his rag-tag army, a number of military personnel were rounded up and detained. The witch-hunt would soon be extended beyond the barracks and see influential figures such as Dean Mung’omba and Princess Nakatindi Wina taken in. Former President Kaunda who was outside the country at the time escaped the dragnet, as he was abroad on an extended visit, until he came back home for Christmas.

Chiluba justified the action insisting that Kaunda had been making predictions about the overthrow of government.

Since history has a tendency of repeating itself, doesn’t Lungu surely owe us an explanation about what he’s been saying?

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. I have been looking at ECL political come back and that of KK to me not much difference.
    1) KK left politics & handed over UNIP to late Kebby Musokotwane and blessed him but within a shorttime KK made a come back & took over from Kebby in a well caculated manner.
    ECL said that he has retired from politics and PF presidential candidates started paying party presidential fees only a short time ECL has come back im politics.
    2) KK was using his status as an international figure to come back into politics & undermine MMD govt.
    ECL is using money to come back into politics & undermining the Upnd govt.
    3) After FTJ & MMD worked hard towards debt relief and economic revival( with zambians sacrificing) KK wanted to take over.
    After HH and UPND have negotiated for debt restructuring to be later that is when ECL want to be champion of economy
    4) KK made pronouncements of early exist of FTJ before term end.
    ECL is making same statements exit of HH before term ends.
    We wait and see the ECL strategy

  2. Manifestation of depression.It starts by moving too much.From one place to the other and meeting people.No proper agenda.

  3. Kaping’a what’s all this nonsense? You cannot interpret data of any kind!! I’m sure you are a good man. Stop passing off as an analyst of whatever kind. You always fail to cut the mustard!!


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