Mister Chanda,

In your press release of 13 July 2024, you pretend to have met me in Zambia and South Africa. You claim that on these occasions I put pressure on you to sack former ZCCM-IH CEO Pius Kasolo so that he could be replaced by a « Muzungu »…

How is this possible when I have never visited any country in southern Africa, particularly Zambia and South Africa?

Either these are very serious slanderous remarks about me, or you have got the wrong person…

But it is strange… We have never been informed that you have contacted the ACC or complained to the police about this alleged pressure…But we know perfectly well what is going on in Zambia… For more than two decades, our group of shareholders has been compiling the facts and intrigues outlined in the Press, we have them under the hand. From Chiluba’s collection of luxury shoes and Regina’s antics, through the KCM affair and accusations of bribery of well-placed Zambians against Vedanta… Or Honey Bee, the sulfurous nights with Valden Findlay, the 42 bad state fire trucks paid a million dollars each, or most recently… the dismissal of the ACC Board…

In your infamous diatribe, you called me a « racist bigot ». However, that does not seem to be the feeling of more and more high-ranking Zambians, disgusted by the actions that are contrary to the country’s interests, who contact me to let me know.

Incidentally, in response to your despicable comments, it is not the skin colour, height or weight of ZCCM-IH’s Directors and Management that matters to us. The only criterion is their commitment to the good of our company ZCCM-IH. We have publicly congratulated the appointment of Mabvuto CHIPATA as CEO and bitterly regretted the resignation of our Chair Dolika BANDA.

Finally, you consider our interference in Zambian affairs to be illegitimate, even though we are « Muzungus ». But as a reminder, we are full stakeholders of ZCCM-IH. Every bad decision, every bad interference, every bad investment has had an impact on our company and our investment. It is therefore entirely legitimate for us to strongly denounce decisions that are going in the wrong direction for our company ant to praise them in the right way.

The minority shareholders will always remain vigilant to ensure that their interests, which are the same as those of the Zambian people, are protected. We will never allow ill-intentioned individuals or groups to steal our investment in any way.



Spokesperson of minority Shareholders of ZCCM-IH

SOURCE: Amb. E.Mwamba’s Facebook Page.


  1. I think Zccm-ih should be delisted and delinked from IDC. Also its mandate out to be reviewed in view the difficulties in realising tangible benefits from our mineral resources.

  2. U are very useless and u don’t have data but u bent on malicious move,just hearing on your tone someone can judge afake and useless

  3. Chanda is a convicted fraud. You minority shareholders just ignore his rantings and continue doing the best for zccm.


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