Friday 26 July, 2024


Deputy Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Monica Chipanta Mwansa has announced that the ACC is currently investigating some cabinet ministers and other government officials for alleged corrupt practice.

Strangely, the Commission says it won’t reveal the names of those under investigations. This behaviour by the ACC to shield criminals in Government is totally unacceptable and should not be tolerated. This same ACC is quick to publicly announce the names of ordinary Zambians who are merely suspected and not even under formal investigations but when it comes to the ruling elite, the ACC finds it prudent to hide the names of the suspected criminals. These double-standards is what has made the the so called fight against corruption a sham and a mockery to the people of Zambia. It is such behaviour that has eroded the faith and confidence that people once had in the ACC and other similar state institutions.

It is a joke and a mockery of justice to assume the ACC can effectively investigate a minister while he is holding on to his office; ministers have too much power and influence and they can easily abuse that power and influence to intimidate ACC officials and frustrate any meaningful investigations. The only way to ensure justice is to have those ministers under investigations step aside and allow the ACC to investigate them freely and fairly. For as long as those criminals are holding on to their offices, nothing will happen. Naming them will put public pressure on the state to have them step aside, and that is the only way the ACC can effectively investigate and prosecute them.

We sympathise with the discredited ACC because their hands are tied; they can not go against their appointing authority, President Hakainde SAMMY Hichilema who is the number one culprit in shielding his officials from prosecution. President Hichilema promised the Zambian people that once elected into office he will fire any government official under investigations to pave way for a fair and transparent process, however, today he is doing the opposite. Instead of firing, he transfers ministers with questionable credentials from one ministry to the other, like its musical chairs. Instead of firing Solicitor General, Marshal Muchende, who is under formal investigations, the president has opted to arrogantly keep him in office. What corruption is the President fighting?

Naming ministers under investigation will ensure that the public is informed about the integrity and accountability of their leaders. It will help build trust between the government and its citizens by demonstrating that no one is above the law. By naming those under investigation, the government shows its commitment to openness and honesty, reinforcing democratic principles.

When ministers are named, it creates pressure for them to be held accountable for their actions. It signals that they will be scrutinized and must answer for any misconduct.

Publicly naming ministers can deter others from engaging in corrupt practices, knowing that they could also be exposed and face consequences.

Naming ministers under investigation will prove that the law applies equally to everyone, regardless of their position or power. By making investigations public, the ACC will demonstrate its commitment to justice and fairness for all and not only for those who are poor or without money.

When people see that anti-corruption authorities are actively investigating and naming corrupt officials, it will boosts confidence in this disgraced institution and will atleast prove to some small extent government’s commitment to fight corruption.

Issued by;
Antonio Mourinho Mwanza
Deputy General Secretary
Socialist Party


  1. Mwanza didnt you read the reason the Deputy GD of ACC’s statement? She was very clear. They were waiting for legal direction on the matter regarding the Livingstone Mayor, the investigation was complete. On the Ministers et leaders, the investigations were in their infancy. Its would be premature to state so. The facts and allegations were yet to be ascertained. Just the same way the Jay Jay seems to have been swayed by innuendo, let the facts be established, investigated before you the Politicans run to conclusions.
    You want to be Judge and Jury on issues before those placed to deal with them have had a chance to do their work….Tekanya mune…you dont own Zambia. Its all ours and we want those placed to work allowed the space to do it.

  2. Are you the person who was saying that when you arrest HH this time around you will throw the keys, how do you feel about what you said now if it is really, you who uttered those words, and if it is you, have you found time to apologies or are you hopping that things will just blow by.

  3. You Mwanza you are a pathological lier, you told the nation that you will cut off your prikie and bolls if HH won the general elections. Did you. You are nothing but a starving shameless idiot looking for scandals and handouts. Corruption can not be faught by corrupt people like yourself. Remember what you were doing in pf. By the way we know that the President’s English name is Sammy. You are Antonio a Portuguese name. Shame on you little man.

  4. I have personally been always against publicity around corruption investigations before arrest and appearance in court. The ACC does it anyway due to its unprofessionalism. Corruption is fought through efficient and thorough investigation and prosecution in court by a courageous and knowledgeable team of people and not through the media. It’s very hard work for which most ACC officers have actually not been trained to undertake.


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