VIDEO: Commander Lawrence Sakala demands the arrest of Edgar Lungu and the leadership of UKA


Commander Lawrence Sakala demands the arrest of former President Edgar Lungu and the leadership of United Kwacha Alliance (UKA).
He has threatened to take the law unto his own hands to “sort out” Edgar Lungu.


  1. Idiot. Commanders have emerged again und UPND. What a desperate situation. This idiot must be arrested for offering violence.

  2. This is what Lungu wants to see. UPND has its own youth who defended HH to the bitter end. They are still there. Let’s not pretend! They have just been told to sit down. They fought battles with PF cadres. But I’m afraid, the language of Lungu may provoke these youth beyond control. And they are not cowards like some if you who are commenting from air conditioned offices. Especially the educated ones! Sata once said that the so called educated are the midt cowards! He was right! They can’t even advise Lungu the right thing to do. So, these youth, not even priests will be able to control them.


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