PF Vice president Given Lubinda who also served as member of Parliament under UPND has described Hakainde Hichilema’s three years of total failure.

President Hakainde Hichilema who three years ago was sworn in as Zambia’s seventh president after several unsuccessful attempts had promised to fix the economy and make Zambia better.

With two years to the elections some of the key economic promises such as lowering price of fuel, mealie meal, loadsheding and making the Kwacha strong remain unattained.

Here is what Lubinda who also served as Minster in the previous administration has wrote about Hichilema’s three years in office.

The 3rd anniversary

Hon. Given Lubinda wrote;

Since that day, three years have passed
When glamour and splendour filled the air
Hereos stadium reverberating with funfair
At least three million holding dear their trust
that to a better Zambia, all you shall thrust.

You, gleefully turning your head left and right as the egret
When your supporters jeered and booed your predecessor without regret.

Thirty six months to yesterday
What for them do you have to say?
Besides clamouring for your prolonged stay
And you insatiable appetite for us to you to pray?

Fifty six and a hundred weeks ago
You spoke with such vigor
And referred to predecessors as all were on liquor
And you were the first on this tour

Brother, twenty four months ahead on this day
The Zambians will have decided how you to pay
For the the sixty months of your fray
If we make it to that day

No one to them will have to tell
How instead of paradise, for many a Zambian you made hell

Those whose lives you cut short
Either from sadism or hate so hot
And Kungo’s blood shall shout
Into heavens door to the Lord

Those whose careers you brought to naught
Simply because your lingua they speak not
Those whose businesses you ruined
Simply because on your ideas and style they frowned

Those whose freedom you curtailed
Simply because other political ideas they retailed
Those whom in incarceration for long you kept
All because human feelings were hate swept
Mumbi, Zimba, Patel, Nkoma, why me all wept

Oh! How you double abducted Jay
Not from home but from death bed to say

Others, regular victims of brutality and dehumanization you made
Mmembe, Nakachinda, Mwamba, Lusambo, Munir and many a mate

Those whose property you foreclosed
Simply because by your associates you were told

Indeed between now and then
You shall posture but in vain
Because thirty six months will not be outdone
By twenty four months with many of them having you under the sun
Pontificating and bragging over what only your heart will wish
And yet nothing that you will have kept on your leash

Million words you shall speak
Rumble, scramble and tremble
Because only the clean plate can squeak
As the greasy ones make trouble

No one shall have to remind them
That deceit in your political life is the theme
That self praise and self aggrandisement your regime
That through false promises you captured the youth
And yet when it all mattered they were of no use

Will they not remember how you often retort
When challenges of the country you fail to spot
“Twalikalapo kale akekala pesa?”
Reminding of MCS’ advisory support
“Umunthu uyuumfwa ichalo chila mu fwisa”

No one will belabour the point
That PanAfricanism you fought
That against all odds a foreign base you allowed
Which all your predecessors upon frowned
That your friends from the West you brought
To shore up their hold on Zambia’s resources of all sort
That tax holidays to them you gave
When against Zambians high taxes you drove
That the National Day of prayer you cursed
And yet with glee, church functions you graced.

Oh! how it shall be remembered
That your predecessor’s strategic food stock you dismembered
All for your insatiable appetite for cash
Which however only in offshore accounts you stash
Leaving Zambia to consume which to dogs is poison

Oh how not to be reminded
How many a Zambian firm you grounded
Increasing the cost of the basic need basket
Increasing the costs on which business is founded
Increasing the period of darkness
Sending energy to power your neighbours’ business
All because of your insatiable appetite for makwabo
They shall only stand aside and declare
“Chakulemena chibbuddu yebo”
And you will mistake for a snare
For you have always had paranoia

We all will remember words of the founder
“All are my children but one whose name is yonder
Shall divide the family!”

Oh how true the words of old:
“Umukulu Apusa akabwe
Tapusa a kebo”


  1. Some of these people like Lubinda are sons and daughters of satan.

    Does Lubinda surely need someone to tell him that what he is saying is totally contrally different from what he is saying, because deep down himself he knows that the NEW DAWN GOVERNMENT under the leadership of PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has done extremely well and scored in most of their campaign promises. This, under so whatever he knows but is just trying to play on the minds of certain groups of citizens to sway them away from the reality.

    Yes we are very live to the fact that the cost of living is high and this is a concern by the majority of our citizens but this with the good driver, driving this country is something that is attainable. While servicing the damaged vehicle ( by Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his PF thugs) called Zambia, it is always very expensive and disturbing while in the repairing and service process but once all is done the vehicle will be perfect and on the road running again properly but not at any time will such a vehicle be given to the same driver who destroyed it. Never, and it will not happen even if he tries in any way to pretend to be good the truth will remain the same that he is a destroyer and not worthy to be given such a vehicle again after it has been serviced and repaired.

    Now you zayellow, I know you know that even in class or exams out of 100% passing rate to others, the average is 40 or 50 or from 40% up to 100%
    Others it’s from 50% going up to 100%

    So with your own yellow eyes if not white, you mean UPND is below 1%? in fulfilling their campaign promises?
    Come with me on this list, ignore it if you so wish after all it’s your birth right if not political right;

    1. UPND government in Office for three years has brought free education.
    2. UPND government in Office for three years has restored or re-introduced meal allowances in public universities
    3. UPND government in Office has paid more than 80 % of retirees and still efficiently paying the remaining ones.
    4. UPND government in Office for three years has introduced skills bursaries for the youths and multitudes are being taken and paid for in various skills training institutes.
    5. UPND GOVERNMENT in Office for three years has employment more than 45,000+ teachers, More than 18,000+ health workers, more than 4,500+ security personnel, more than 2,400+ local council workers, plus many more in government ministries and agencies just in three years.
    6. UPND government in Office for three years has stopped PF cadres from stealing revenue from the council where they used to collect openly in markets and bus stops, councils now country wide are collecting levies and rates and are using it to pay their workers and improved on service delivery
    7. Cadrerism, pangas and harrassment of citizens in markets, bus stops and generally in the Country has been dealt with and restoration of the rule of law is now in the making and operational.
    8. Increased CDF for accelerated speed of developmental projects in all the 156 constituencies. School, clinics, desks and many other empowerment activities are being seen implemented everywhere.
    9. Peace has returned to our nation no more of pangas and guns
    10. PF debt has been restructured and credibility slowly returning to our country.
    10 A unified cabinet comprising Ministers from all out ten Provinces.

    This is just out of ten! the break – even points that have been scored then with your open mouth you still continue to open it wide to pretend in your usual sinful nature to mislead the nation?. By the way do you still remember those, your cadres who slapped- hammered you in kabwata so to you that is fulfilling campaign promises? No babaa for you as PF fulfilled promise is through stealing and thurgery for UPND it’s work after work so thieves no nothing but ukuchankwila.

    Otherwise UPND is fulfilling its campaign promises equitably. For loadshading and destroyed crops, this is beyond the UPND but in everything we give thanks to the CREATOR. The Lord God. Out of it many good things will come out of this drought and Zambia, with this wise leadership in the driving seat will never be the same again.

    While insoka and it’s followers will remain the same dununa reverse. But Kwena power is sweet. Lungu always remembering the red carpet but chalipwa

  2. Some of these people like Lubinda are sons and daughters of satan.

    Does Lubinda surely need someone to tell him that what he is saying is totally contrally different from what he is saying, because deep down himself he knows that the NEW DAWN GOVERNMENT under the leadership of PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has done extremely well and scored in most of their campaign promises. This, under so whatever he knows but is just trying to play on the minds of certain groups of citizens to sway them away from the reality.

    Yes we are very live to the fact that the cost of living is high and this is a concern by the majority of our citizens but this with the good driver, driving this country is something that is attainable. While servicing the damaged vehicle ( by Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his PF thugs) called Zambia, it is always very expensive and disturbing while in the repairing and service process but once all is done the vehicle will be perfect and on the road running again properly but not at any time will such a vehicle be given to the same driver who destroyed it. Never, and it will not happen even if he tries in any way to pretend to be good the truth will remain the same that he is a destroyer and not worthy to be given such a vehicle again after it has been serviced and repaired.

    Now you zayellow, I know you know that even in class or exams out of 100% passing rate to others, the average is 40 or 50 or from 40% up to 100%
    Others it’s from 50% going up to 100%

    So with your own yellow eyes if not white, you mean UPND is below 1%? in fulfilling their campaign promises?
    Come with me on this list, ignore it if you so wish after all it’s your birth right if not political right;

    1. UPND government in Office for three years has brought free education.
    2. UPND government in Office for three years has restored or re-introduced meal allowances in public universities
    3. UPND government in Office has paid more than 80 % of retirees and still efficiently paying the remaining ones.
    4. UPND government in Office for three years has introduced skills bursaries for the youths and multitudes are being taken and paid for in various skills training institutes.
    5. UPND GOVERNMENT in Office for three years has employment more than 45,000+ teachers, More than 18,000+ health workers, more than 4,500+ security personnel, more than 2,400+ local council workers, plus many more in government ministries and agencies just in three years.
    6. UPND government in Office for three years has stopped PF cadres from stealing revenue from the council where they used to collect openly in markets and bus stops, councils now country wide are collecting levies and rates and are using it to pay their workers and improved on service delivery
    7. Cadrerism, pangas and harrassment of citizens in markets, bus stops and generally in the Country has been dealt with and restoration of the rule of law is now in the making and operational.
    8. Increased CDF for accelerated speed of developmental projects in all the 156 constituencies. School, clinics, desks and many other empowerment activities are being seen implemented everywhere.
    9. Peace has returned to our nation no more of pangas and guns
    10. PF debt has been restructured and credibility slowly returning to our country.
    10 A unified cabinet comprising Ministers from all out ten Provinces.

    This is just out of ten! the break – even points that have been scored then with your open mouth you still continue to open it wide to pretend in your usual sinful nature to mislead the nation?. By the way do you still remember those, your cadres who slapped- hammered you in kabwata so to you that is fulfilling campaign promises? No babaa for you as PF fulfilled promise is through stealing and thurgery for UPND it’s work after work so thieves no nothing but ukuchankwila.

    Otherwise UPND is fulfilling its campaign promises equitably. For loadshading and destroyed crops, this is beyond the UPND but in everything we give thanks to the CREATOR. The Lord God. Out of it many good things will come out of this drought and Zambia, with this wise leadership in the driving seat will never be the same again.

    While insoka and it’s followers will remain the same dununa reverse. But Kwena power is sweet. Lungu always remembering the red carpet but chalipwa

  3. Mulekwata insoni bane, Lubinda to say that three year of UPND government of Hakainde Hichilema has been a total failure is being dishonest to himself and the nation. Is he not the same Lubinda who was clobbered by his own party cadres of non performing? Is he not the same Lubinda who failed to pay thousands of retirees who camped at his office? He even failed to face them and address them, instead he locked himself in his office. But within the first one year of being in office, HH paid all those retirees. Is that what you call total failure? Unless your mind is upside down.

  4. Mulekwata insoni bane, Lubinda to say that three year of UPND government of Hakainde Hichilema has been a total failure is being dishonest to himself and the nation. Is he not the same Lubinda who was clobbered by his own party cadres of non performing? Is he not the same Lubinda who failed to pay thousands of retirees who camped at his office? He even failed to face them and address them, instead he locked himself in his office. But within the first one year of being in office, HH paid all those retirees. Is that what you call total failure? Unless your mind is upside down.

  5. Bo Lubinda better to stay quiet than echoing your drunken madter. In seven years he failed to give a press conference and now behind short Kalaba he is slurring away after a bottle of jameson uttering words that could land him in deep trouble. You bo Lubinda failed as a government. Can you blame HH for the drought that has pushed up high cost of living and loadshedding. Our neighbours are going through it too but the opposition is talking sense in these countries unlike you lot that sound like you spend the whole day at the tavern.

  6. Bo Lubinda better to stay quiet than echoing your drunken madter. In seven years he failed to give a press conference and now behind short Kalaba he is slurring away after a bottle of jameson uttering words that could land him in deep trouble. You bo Lubinda failed as a government. Can you blame HH for the drought that has pushed up high cost of living and loadshedding. Our neighbours are going through it too but the opposition is talking sense in these countries unlike you lot that sound like you spend the whole day at the tavern.


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