By Abraham Rooney Kapya

We can’t be buying fertilizer at K1,200 and expect mealie meal to be cheap, NI BOZA!

We can’t be buying fuel at more than K30 per liter and expect commodities to be cheaper, THAT’S A FAKE DREAM.

We can’t have mines on Tax Holiday and expect the poor Zambians that pay their small taxes in markets to sustain our economy, THAT’S A JOKE.

We can’t have the president traveling 55 times in 2 years and expect our coffers to have money, AYO NIMA SETTING.

We can’t have Law enforcement egencies arresting or searching whoever they hear or suspect to have money and seriously expect to have money in Circulation, AWE TETI.

We can’t have a whole president talking about his predecessor day and night and expect the country to be at peace, KWISA UKO?

We can’t have cadres taking our Sugilite, Gold, Manganese, Lithium and other precious minerals in the manner upnd cadres are doing it even stealing trucks loaded with sugilite at a police station and expect things in Zambia to be well, TEPANO.

We can’t have government buying 1002 vehicles and all of them goes missing. Do you see any transparency there? AWE!

Zambia is faced with a lot of illegalities under HH and upnd and yet some people want to cover the mess, WHAT A SHAME.

Truth is, Zambia is in wrong hands and HH won’t improve anything but make things worser than he found them.



  1. You have never bought fertilizer in your life and you want to mislead us farmers. You don’t even know the current price. President’s office is budgeted for. He has traveled and brought in investments, tanjible investment. Sorted out the debt crisis and soon mou will be signed with official creditors. You don’t watch any news so you don’t know anything. Do we have oil in the country to buy fuel at 5 kwacha? Fuel is expensive where it comes from and you want to buy it cheap here? Is your brain functioning correctly. People who don’t know anything are the ones making noise on social media.

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