Zambia police will give k2 million to anyone who will find Jay Jay banda


…the question is what did Jay Jay Banda do to be this expensive? Is there something Zambians don’t know about the actual crime he committed?


  1. I thought police were making progress in tracking Mr. Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda. Why the price tag then?

    Our police are only good at harassing citizens. When it comes to real work, they fail lamentably. It is like half of the police are in the traffic department. You should see how they jump out of their vehicles to pounce on a traffic offender!

  2. If this Government had offered this reward to those who had information on the gassing incidents or those who were burning Markets when Hakainde was facing treason charges these cases could have been easily solved. What is so special about this Petauke Member of Parliament, Hon Jay Jay Banda that the government can even give a bounty of K2 million on his head? Tax payers money for that matter! When they failed to do the same when the whole country was affected during gassing incidents.
    That the government can even resurrect ancient cases which the courts dealt with, just to lock him up? What Information has this man got against the people in this Government? Kuti waseka!

  3. Some people will soon pay heavily for being so unfair to Jay Jay Banda and his family and the people of Eastern province! Hichilema says nobody is above the law, but he himself acts above the law! We await the truth on this issue , and the truth will only come out when those who know the truth are no longer stopped from saying the truth! That’s when the true culprits will face the law!

  4. This is police admitting failure. IG should resign immediately because he is outsourcing police work by paying other people to apprehend a fugitive while his officers who are on a salary are failing.


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