Zambia should take Zim security concerns seriously


Zambia should take Zim security concerns seriously

Editorial – The public revelation by Zimbabwe (Zim) president Emerson Mnangagwa against Zambia, that the country is being used as a base by western governments to cause security instability in Zim is a serious matter that should not be glossed over.

External security concerns rank higher in national defense strategies and with the historical cordial relations that have existed between the two nations, Zambia should not be naive that Mnangagwa could mention Zambia by name publicly if the threat levels are being considered moderate or manageable.

Remember that Mnangagwa has strong historical, personal and family ties to Zambia, and for him to break rank and protocol like that, it would be careless for Zambians to take security concerns against Zambia and his engagement with Russian president Vladimir Putin casually.

Zambia has enough challenges of its own development and economic growth right now in load shedding, high cost of living and doing business, high inflation and escalating prices of goods and services etc. Zambia has no business or benefit to gain from creating an enemy out of Zim, its brotherly neighbor.

Like we have seen in the Ukraine – Russia conflict, that war is actually in substance and form – between the western countries (NATO) and Russia backed by some Eastern block countries. It’s typical of shadow boxing between powerful countries fearing direct confrontation.

The irony though is that the war is being fought on Ukrainian soil, with the people of Ukraine paying the ultimate price in lives lost, desecration of their country’s infrastructure and its people scattered as refugees. Today, no serious business activities and long term investments by both local and foreign investors can take place in Ukraine.

As relatively peaceful country’s and neighbors, both Zambia and Zim should avoid being used as a battle ground, to be caught in the cross fire of this battle for global dominance between the West and the East. Both countries have basic economic and underdevelopment challenges.

Zambia may have also committed a strategic error in sending a practicing opposition political party leader in Zambia to monitor Zim elections and the controversial stand he took. The damage to the relations with Zim may have been deeper and may need more diplomatic efforts to mend the wound.

As Africans, have enough wisdom which can enable us to decipher our own afro sayings that ” when elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers”. If our current leaders can’t see this, that Zambia and Zim are the proverbial grass, then we are headed for big trouble.

Let’s ask ourselves one question, is there any African country we can point at which has been developed by any of these current global forces. Is there a model African country which we can say has been developed by the East? Is there an Afro country which the west have developed?

It therefore goes that only Africans can and will develop Africa. And only Zambia’s will develop Zambia. Of course, with strategic international relations designed in Zambias interest and win win arrangements.- ZBT


  1. He is not content in brewing divisions within his own country.

    Now he has decided to export his imingalato to neighbouring countries.

    It is as if Lucifer himself has reincarnated to come divide us peaceful southern African countries.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. From the Zimeye in Zimbabwe: ” British-Spy Mnangagwa Battles To Convince Putin To Attack Zambia So to Chase The West”

    In Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa is being ridiculed. In Zambia, he is being feared by our opposition!


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