BOWMAN Lusambo says Zambians are too lazy no wonder some are now even accusing government of failing to work.
Addressing congregates at Dominion Church in Choma on Sunday where he also donated a K50,000 towards the building promotion of the church, Lusambo who is Lusaka Province minister said there would be no government that will give its people money if they don’t work for themselves and invest.
“In Zambia we are too lazy no wonder now some are even accusing government of not working. There will be no government that will give people money. People must just work for themselves and by that we will be boosting our economy especially if we invest in agriculture,” he said.
“Zambians must set up businesses to improve their own lives since government has created an enabling environment. We want our people to partner with the government of His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu in making the country’s economy better for all.”
Lusambo stressed that the country’s economy could not be improved by foreigners hence all Zambians must participate in setting up investments that can create wealth and jobs.
“We want agriculture to be the main economic sector that will create jobs and income generation for the people,” he said. “Some of the activities we are promoting that people must start undertaking is bee keeping and acqua-culture. As citizens we need to help government achieve this agenda by participating in the economic diversification.”
Lusambo said the government’s priority was to improve the living standards of the people hence President Lungu was busy trotting around the country to better people’s lives.
He also said the government and the Church are one because their operation was hinged on serving the people.
“The Church is there to win souls of people while government is there to improve the welfare of those same people,” Lusambo said.
He retaliated the government’s commitment towards strengthening the relationship with the Church.
Lusambo urged the people to register as voters and vote for credible leadership.
“Nothing like voting for Bowman, Bowman, Bowman just to please him even when he is not doing anything better. Try others that are performing. Next year vote for people that you know will improve your lives and not just voting to please someone,” he said.
Lusambo appealed to the clergy to sensitise the flock about the importance of One Zambia One Nation.
“We are all one regardless of which region one is coming from. When you see leaders promoting tribalism reject them because they will destroy our country,” he said.
Dominion Church presiding Bishop Kebby Nawa said the church wants to create a health society through preaching the Word of God.
“As the year ends let’s appreciate each other. If there is going to be peace in the nation, homes and communities then we need to appreciate those that have been there before us,” he said.
Bishop Nawa also commended President Lungu’s government for creating a perfect platform for economic diversification.