Zimbabwean man Joshua  Maponga is now living in Caves and Mountains


Zimbabwean man, Maponga is now living in Caves and Mountains.

He said most of churches must be closed down and be made factories because Pastor are now forming churches for them to make money and be rich not to preach the word of God.

Imagine after sharing one verse with you they will now tell you that for God to bless you, pay thanks giving, pay tithing, pay pastors basket, pay offering, pay leadership participation, pay leadership training and so many programs within the church.

Christians are now working for pastors not for their families and God. They need to open their eyes.

Maponga Maala Joshua


  1. He’s just an eccentric preacherman, nothing wrong with him at all. What he is saying is true. These churches are ripping off people and Govts should come to people’s aide!


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