Police have arrested the Vice president of Zimbabwe’s opposition alliance Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) while addressing a rally at Kamfinsa.

The opposition political activist Hopewell Chin’ono confirmed the news of the arrest in a statement.

“I have just spoken to Tendai Biti the Vice President of the Citizens Coalition for Change who has told me that he has been arrested at Letombo Park Shops in Greendale.

He is on his way to Law and Order section in town” said Chin’ono.

Details of the arrest are still unclear and Police is yet to comment on the grounds of arrest.

Currently, he has been taken to Law and Order section at the Charge Office in the Central Business District, Zimbabwe Mail reported.

Reports indicate that Biti has been a victim of police arrest, intimidation and harassment many times before, especially during elections. The country is currently preparing for the by-elections which are due on 26 March.

The former finance minister and top opposition alliance official was arrested in December, 2020, Biti on the charge of assaulting a Russian national last month

The senior opposition figure was also arrested in 2018 while fleeing to the neighbouring Zambia to seek asylum after announcing an alleged electoral fraud and unofficial announcement of the Movement for Democratic Change’s (MDC) victory.


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