Below is a police statement:
Livingstone Central Police Station on 02/02/2025 at 21:05 hours received a report of Sodomy in which a 49-year-old man of Zambia Railways Compound in Livingstone reported that his 10-year-old son was sodomized by a 25-year-old man of Messengers Compound in Livingstone. The victim complained of a painful anus. This occurred on 02/02/2025 around 16:00 hours within the Livingstone golf course.
Brief facts of the matter are that on 02/02/2025 around 15:00 hours, the victim and the suspect went to watch a football match at Bharat Sports Complex and after the match the suspect asked the victim, who is a small boy, to escort him to his place in Messengers Compound. However, on their way to the mentioned area, the suspect decided to use the route that cuts through the Livingstone golf course. As they were walking within the golf course, the suspect undressed the boy and had carnal knowledge of him through the anus, an act which is against the order of nature. Before the act, he threatened to beat up the boy if he refused to co-operate.
Whilst they were in the act, a police officer of Libuyu Police Station, coincidentally was also passing through the golf course when he saw two people who were lying on the ground and when he drew closer, they got up and started dressing up. The suspect, after dressing up, fled from the scene. The officer managed to pick the victim and also located his parents whom he went with to Livingstone Central Police Station where the matter was reported.
A medical report form was issued to the victim and a docket of case was opened. No arrest has been made yet and investigations are ongoing.
This is the second case of sodomy reported at Livingstone Central Police Station within a week after the incident that occurred on 26/01/2025 around 19:00 hours at Hillcrest Technical Secondary School, in which a 58-year-old man of Dambwa North in Livingstone reported that his juvenile son aged 14, was carnally known by a 17-year-old juvenile, a fellow pupil at the same school.
Issued by:
Mr. Auxensio Daka (Commissioner of Police)
Commanding Officer – Southern Division