PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu says government will do everything possible to deepen and secure freedoms of Zambians and the peace they cherish to improve their social and economic wellbeing.

In his nation address to commemorate Africa Freedom Day, President Lungu urged Zambians to keep themselves away from all forms of conflicts that might erode the achievements that the country has so far recorded.

He further called for the promotion of peaceful coexistence among youths who of late have been used as tools of violence, reminding them that the peace that Zambia and Africa at large enjoys today was borne out of great sacrifices made by forefathers and mothers and should not be taken for granted.

“We will do everything within our power to deepen and secure the freedoms of our people and the peace they cherish to improve their social and economic wellbeing. We must safeguard ourselves from all forms of conflicts that might erode the achievements that the country has achieved thus far. Peaceful coexistence must therefore be promoted among our people especially the youth who of late have regrettably been used as tools of violence. Let us enhance the use dialogue in conflict prevention and resolution,” President Lungu said.

This year’s Africa Freedom Day is being commemorated under the theme “Silencing the guns, creating conducive conditions for Africa’s development,” which President Lungu said was timely as it resonates with the aspirations of the continent as enshrined in the African Union Agenda 2063 which envisions Africa without wars, civil conflicts and gender-based violence.

He paid tribute to the country’s first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda and other freedom fighters who fought for the liberation of Zambia and the entire region.


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